they arived that the Battalion had taken the Alpasio a strong
hold between the Riogrand and the Mountains without the
fireing of a gun. if this report is true the Bat[talion] will have an
abundance of support & likely take up winter quarters
many other remarks were made & President Young said that
if they had harkened to his council not a man of them would
have fallen but would have returned to their friends in
perfect safety.
At 7 oclok we returned to the Council
House. found the Saints rejoicing in what had heard through
the day. Elder Isaac Morley said that his soul was filled
with rejoicing to see the beauty & Harmony of the family
connexioncting links of the Priesthood that had been taught
this day: And when I look at the family connexion
I cannot but acknowledge him my leader in all things
& He looking to Joseph the Martered Prophet who has gone
to prepare the way for us, and can do more for us than
He could do if He was here. This Pristhood spoken off
if from all Eternity & will lead to eternity & will exhalt
the Saints to be Gods through faithfulness.
President Young arose & continued his remarks upon the
law of adoption granted the Brethren the privilege of asking
questions when they did not fully comprehend his meaning
The Lord introduced the law of adoption for the benefit of the
children of men as a school master to bring them back into the
covenant of the Priesthood. This Principle I am aware is
not clearly understood by many of the Elders in this Church
at the present time as it will Here after be: And I confess that
I have had ownly a smattering of those things but when it
is necessary I will attain to more knowledge ofn the subject
& consequently will be enabled to teach & practice more and
will in the mean time glorify God the bountiful giver.
I have heard Elders say they were not dependant upon any
man, I then considerd & do now that it was saying more
than I can say, for I consider that we are all dependant
one upon another for our exhaltation & that our interest
is inseperably connected. (for example) what can my family
do without me supposing they were to all turn away from me
I hold the Keys over them through which they are to receive
there exhaltation. would they would not be like sheep without
a shepherd & would be devoured by the wolves, they certainly
would. then let us change the position, & say that I would
cut off all my family, then what glory would I have with no
body to rule over but my own dear little self. To tell you my feelings
I would rather be annihilated than to be in that situation. This
is another strong proof of the Apostles saying when they declaired
that they without us could not be made perfect. Neither can
you without me nor I without you be made perfect [Doctrine and Covenants 128:15] ie if we
are faithful & without faithfulness there is no perfection on any
consideration. This rule applyes to the whole Human family.
This is the torment & misery of the disobedient spirits that they
cannot be made perfect, unless some scheme should hereafter
be introduced for their redemption. they are now without tabernacles
to dwell in ownly such as they have taken possession off unlawfully
[page torn] usurped power over. it being a part of their agency that was
[page torn] [bes]towed them which they used to the consumation of there unhappy
[page torn] [w]retched estate, it being the reward & fruits of there doings
they arived that the Battalion had taken the Alpasio a strong
hold between the Riogrand and the Mountains without the
fireing of a gun. if this report is true the Battalion will have an
abundance of support & likely take up winter quarters
many other remarks were made & President Young said that
if they had harkened to his council not a man of them would
have fallen but would have returned to their friends in
perfect safety.
At 7 oclok we returned to the Council
House. found the Saints rejoicing in what had heard through
the day. Elder Isaac Morley said that his soul was filled
with rejoicing to see the beauty & harmony of the family
connecting links of the Priesthood that had been taught
this day: And when I look at the family connexion
I cannot but acknowledge him my leader in all things
& he looking to Joseph the Martered Prophet who has gone
to prepare the way for us, and can do more for us than
he could do if he was here. This Pristhood spoken off
if from all Eternity & will lead to eternity & will exhalt
the Saints to be Gods through faithfulness.
President Young arose & continued his remarks upon the
law of adoption granted the brethren the privilege of asking
questions when they did not fully comprehend his meaning
The Lord introduced the law of adoption for the benefit of the
children of men as a school master to bring them back into the
covenant of the Priesthood. This Principle I am aware is
not clearly understood by many of the Elders in this Church
at the present time as it will here after be: And I confess that
I have had ownly a smattering of those things but when it
is necessary I will attain to more knowledge on the subject
& consequently will be enabled to teach & practice more and
will in the mean time glorify God the bountiful giver.
I have heard Elders say they were not dependant upon any
man, I then considerd & do now that it was saying more
than I can say, for I consider that we are all dependant
one upon another for our exhaltation & that our interest
is inseperably connected. (for example) what can my family
do without me supposing they were to all turn away from me
I hold the Keys over them through which they are to receive
there exhaltation. would they not be like sheep without
a shepherd & would be devoured by the wolves, they certainly
would. then let us change the position, & say that I would
cut off all my family, then what glory would I have with no
body to rule over but my own dear little self. To tell you my feelings
I would rather be annihilated than to be in that situation. This
is another strong proof of the Apostles saying when they declaired
that they without us could not be made perfect. Neither can
you without me nor I without you be made perfect ie if we
are faithful & without faithfulness there is no perfection on any
consideration. This rule applyes to the whole human family.
This is the torment & misery of the disobedient spirits that they
cannot be made perfect, unless some scheme should hereafter
be introduced for their redemption. they are now without tabernacles
to dwell in ownly such as they have taken possession off unlawfully
page torn usurped power over. it being a part of their agency that was
page torn bestowed them which they used to the consumation of there unhappy
page torn wretched estate, it being the reward & fruits of there doings
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 16, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,