having been given over to all manner of wickedness perm-
itted to afflict the handy work of the Lord untill they
fill up the cup of their iniquity & the Lord sayeth unto
them thou wicked & disobedient spirit thou shalt not have
power any longer to afflict my people or destroy the
works of my hands, you have forfeited your agency &
wrought thy fulness, depart Hence to the pit that I have
prepared for thee, & this is there torment, that thereir power
& agency is taken away. they are left to regret that it was
through their own disobediance that they cut the thread of
there own salvation: the reflections of which ownly serve to
torture & increase there torment & that would be the situation
of my family should they cut themselves off from me. I use
my family for an exhaample, not that I have the least fears
of their ever doing so, for I have none. I feel happy this
night because we are of one mind. still should I believe that we
were perfect & could not advance any further I should not be Happy
but to the honor power & glory of the faithful there is no end.
For your satisfaction I will show you a rule by which you may
comprehend the exhaltation of the faithful. I will use myself
as A figure, & say that I am ruling over 10 sons or subjects
[page torn] [o]wnly & soon each one of them would have 10 men sealed
to them & they would be ruler over them & that would
make me ruler over 10 Presidents or Kings whareas I was
[page torn] [r]uler over 10 subjects ownly or in other words I ruled
over one Kingdom but now I rule over 10. then let each
one get 10 more then I would be ruler over 100 Kingdoms
& so on continued to all eternity & the more honor & glory that
I could bestow upon my sons the more it would add to my
exhaltations. but to clip the thread of your exhaltation then
whare would be your your glory: it would be like the fallen
angels or devils that kept not their first esstate but were reserved
in everlasting chains of darkness unto the judgment of the great
day others fell from heaven were thrust down to hell;
But if wyou wish to advance hold up the hands of your file
leader & boast him a head. should you have ten legions of
trains following on after you, you should say to your file
leader push ahead for I am coming with my train boosting
him up at the same time instead of trying to pass by him
this would stimulate him & he would say come on my
boys I will travel as fast as you can & on we would go in
one solid train to all Eternity. Before I close I will answer
on[e] question that has been asked me repetedly. Should I
[page covered] h[av]e A father Dead that has never herd this gospel, would
it [page covered] [b]e required of me to redeem him & have him adopted
to some mans family And I be adopted unto my Father answer No. If we have to attend the ordinances of rede-
[page torn] [m]ption for our dead relatives we then become their saviors
[page torn] were we to wait to redeem our dead relatives before we
[page torn] c[o]uld link the chain of the Priesthood we would never
[page torn] [a]ccomplish it. Many other remarks were made & while
[page torn] [a]ddressing the females said sisters if you expect to call me
Br Brigham I want you to be cleanly keep your faces, hands
[page torn] [&] skin clean from head to foot your clothes dishes & Houses
[page torn] [cl]ean also your children & teach them manners, & when
[page torn] [y]ou mix up Bread dont have a dozen flyies in your tray
having been given over to all manner of wickedness permitted to afflict the handy work of the Lord untill they
fill up the cup of their iniquity & the Lord sayeth unto
them thou wicked & disobedient spirit thou shalt not have
power any longer to afflict my people or destroy the
works of my hands, you have forfeited your agency &
wrought thy fulness, depart hence to the pit that I have
prepared for thee, & this is there torment, that their power
& agency is taken away. they are left to regret that it was
through their own disobediance that they cut the thread of
there own salvation: the reflections of which ownly serve to
torture & increase there torment & that would be the situation
of my family should they cut themselves off from me. I use
my family for an example, not that I have the least fears
of their ever doing so, for I have none. I feel happy this
night because we are of one mind, still should I believe that we
were perfect & could not advance any further I should not be happy
but to the honor power & glory of the faithful there is no end.
For your satisfaction I will show you a rule by which you may
comprehend the exhaltation of the faithful. I will use myself
as a figure, & say that I am ruling over 10 sons or subjects
page torn & soon each one of them would have 10 men sealed
to them & they would be ruler over them & that would
make me ruler over 10 Presidents or Kings whareas I was
page torn ruler over 10 subjects ownly or in other words I ruled
over one Kingdom but now I rule over 10. then let each
one get 10 more then I would be ruler over 100 Kingdoms
& so on continued to all eternity & the more honor & glory that
I could bestow upon my sons the more it would add to my
exhaltations. but to clip the thread of your exhaltation then
whare would be your glory: it would be like the fallen
angels or devils that kept not their first esstate but were reserved
in everlasting chains of darkness unto the judgment of the great
day others fell from heaven were thrust down to hell;
but ifyou wish to advance hold up the hands of your file
leader & boast him a head. should you have ten legions of
trains following on after you, you should say to your file
leader push ahead for I am coming with my train boosting
him up at the same time instead of trying to pass by him
this would stimulate him & he would say come on my
boys I will travel as fast as you can & on we would go in
one solid train to all Eternity. Before I close I will answer
one question that has been asked me repetedly. Should I
page covered have a father dead that has never herd this gospel, would
it page covered be required of me to redeem him & have him adopted
to some mans family and I be adopted unto my Father
answer No. If we have to attend the ordinances of redepage torn mption for our dead relatives we then become their saviors
page torn & were we to wait to redeem our dead relatives before we
page torn could link the chain of the Priesthood we would never
page torn accomplish it. Many other remarks were made & while
page torn addressing the females said Sisters if you expect to call me
page torn Br Brigham I want you to be cleanly keep your faces, hands
page torn & skin clean from head to foot your clothes dishes & houses
page torn clean also your children & teach them manners. & when
page torn you mix up Bread dont have a dozen flies in your tray
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 16, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rk6L