in evry way in order to prove ourselves the friend of God
in all things & god will Bless you my prayer is that God
will bless this people & that they may be faithful and
a friend to God. I told the Legislature that I would be proud
to have the world know that I told the assemble to fast
& pray untill they get the spirit of God to do their duty
I would like to see the Judges upon the Bench to ask God to
Bless them And all the Jury & witnesses to assist them
in all ther testimony & decissions
~ Monday
Monday March 1st 1852 This is again my birth day
I am 45 years of age this day the Lord hath preserved
me thus far in life I pray that He may still preserve me
and lengthen out my days to behold the work of the Lord
on the Earth & to assist in carriying on that work I spent
the day with the Legislature
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
2 & 3 I spent the time with the Legislature it was a vary
busy time with us As we were about to close The members
of the Joint session concluded to have a day of recreation
feasting & rejoiceing on the morrow
~ Thursday
4th Thursday The GovornorPresident of the Council Speaker of the house with All the members of
Both Branches of the Legislature Assembled with
their ladies At the Council House & Legislative Hall & partok
of an exellent fest And had an excellent social party {We all went forth in the dance} The Govornor gave an interesting
Address in the evening which closed with a shout of Hosannah
All returned home satisfied with the procedings of the day
~ Friday
5th Both Houses met in Joint session this morn
And spent a Busy day
~ Saturday
6th Saturday Both Houses met in Joint session
And closed up all the business of the session
And Adjourned untill next deDecmber the Govorn
Blessed the Assembly And the President of the councel
& speaker of the House returned thanks to the members
The Assembly returned A vote of thanks to the Govorn
And all returned their homes I spent the evening in
school learning Fonography
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I preached in the school House in the
13 ward visited Brother Hardy in the Afternoon & fo[u]nd Charles Hardy fast sinking with the consumption He
will not live long. At 4 oclk in the evening I met
with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer
~ Monday
8th A snow storm in the morning I spent the day at home I set out a Bed of Raspburies
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
9th, 10, 11 I went to dry creek after my Horses & oxen
it was A Hard storm 30 mls
in evry way in order to prove ourselves the friend of God
in all things & God will bless you my prayer is that God
will bless this people & that they may be faithful and
a friend to God. I told the Legislature that I would be proud
to have the world know that I told the assembly to fast
& pray untill they get the spirit of God to do their duty
I would like to see the Judges upon the bench to ask God to
bless them and all the Jury & witnesses to assist them
in all their testimony & decissions
~ Monday
Monday March 1st 1852 This is again my birth day
I am 45 years of age this day the Lord hath preserved
me thus far in life I pray that He may still preserve me
and lengthen out my days to behold the work of the Lord
on the Earth & to assist in carrying on that work I spent
the day with the Legislature
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
2 & 3 I spent the time with the Legislature it was a vary
busy time with us As we were about to close The members
of the Joint session concluded to have a day of recreation
feasting & rejoiceing on the morrow
~ Thursday
4th Thursday The Govornor President of the Council
[FIGURE] Speaker of the house with all the members of
both branches of the Legislature assembled with
their ladies at the Council House & Legislative Hall & partok
of an exellent fest and had an excellent social party
{We all went forth in a dance} The Govornor gave an interesting
address in the evening which closed with a shout of Hosannah
All returned home satisfied with the procedings of the day
~ Friday
5th Both Houses met in Joint Session this morn
and spent a busy day
~ Saturday
6th Saturday Both Houses met in Joint Session
and closed up all the business of the Session
and adjourned untill next December the Govorn
blessed the assembly and the President of the counsel
& Speaker of the House returned thanks to the master
The Assembly returned a vote of thanks to the Govorn
and all returned their homes I spent the evening in
school learning Fonography
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I preached in the school House in the
13 ward visited Brother Hardy in the Afternoon & foud
Charles Hardy was fast sinking with the Consumption He
will not live long. At 4 oclk in the evening I met
with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer
~ Monday
8th A snow storm in the morning I spent the day at
home I set out a bed of Raspburies
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
9th 10, 11 I went to dry creek after my horses & oxen
it was a hard Storm 30 mls
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 8, 1852 - March 11, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,