Borrow my cart waggon, shovel, Hoe, Ax & evry thing I have
got & that to without liberty & never bring it home And if
it was not my duty to stay here I would lay my hands
upon some I could pick out who I have confidence in &
would go & form a colony by myself & would not Admit
of any person who was not proven. I cannot get grass in the Big field but many of you do it. But I now warn you not to
steal my wood nor any of my property for if you continue
to do it I will put a mark upon such men that they will
carry all the days of their lives they are hypocritts and
think all others are the same I dont love them vary well
Again I say to you it is not your duty to get in debt to these
Merchants I say you shall pay your debts if you say you cant
pay I say you shall pay them.
I speak of the faults of my
Brethren you may ask shall we forgive our Brother his trespas
if He repents I say yes "How many times, untill seventy times seven["]
in one day if He repents & asks for it even all sins except
the sin agains[t] the Holy Ghost. [Matthew 18:21-22] If you will bring back my tools
grass & grain which you have taken unlawfully or any of my property
And ask forgiveness I will return forgive you I will not cast
of[f] any man untill He cast himself off I will not reject any
man untill He rejects himself. I will hold on to any man as long
as he has any prospect of salvation.
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
9thththth & 14 This week has been spent in hunting lost
cattle, wattering wheat & common labour
~ Sunday
15th Sunday President Brigham Young Addressed the congrega-
tion of the Saints in the following words.
I would like to say enoug in few words to fill three sermons
I have had to deliver my discourses in few words. I wish the
people to sustain the priesthood as the priesthood. As to the opin-
ion of man concerning myself As a man I care no more about
it than I do the dust under my feet. I dont care what you
say about me If you will ownly serve the Lord our God do the people
live so as to know the voice of the Good shepherd. I wish to state
one item Here which concerns you seriously, that is concerning
the Indians Here. They are Ignorant have been taught to steel
& kill from their childhood & those who could do the most of it were
considerd the greatest Braves & chiefs as soon as they begin to steel
Here many of you want them killed. Compare their circumsta
nces with your own. You are taught from your cradles not to
steal or kill as it is a great crime now do you kill a white man
as soon as He steals weigh this subject well. Those who wish
them killed for stealing A Horse reduce themselves far Below the
Indian. You love them as well as I do, But when the curse
is taken off they will again be fit for society But while they
are in their degraded state it rests upon us to use wisdom &
judgment in their behalf. I say to the Saints kill evry white
man you see stealing & not kill the Indian for it for the white men
know better. I speak to the Saints not as the Govornor of Utah But you
& I are sent to save Israel not to kill them. Evry Elder that croses
a certain line I do not wish to see him But those who do right or
seek to do right if they commit an error we will forgive them
I do not Ask for influence ownly what God gives me Neither will
I give any man influence ownly what the Lord & his own good
Borrow my cart waggon, shovel, hoe, ax & evry thing I have
got & that to without liberty & never bring it home and if
it was not my duty to stay here I would lay my hands
upon some I could pick out who I have confidence in &
would go & form a colony by myself & would not admit
of any person who was not proven I cannot get grass in the
Big field but many of you do it. But I now warn you not to
steal my wood nor any of my property for if you continue
to do it I will put a mark upon such men that they will
carry all the days of their lives they are hypocritts and
think all others are the same I dont love them vary well
Again I say to you it is not your duty to get in debt to these
Merchants I say you shall pay your debts if you say you cant
pay I say you shall pay them.
I speak of the faults of my
Brethren you may ask shall we forgive our Brother his trespas
if he repents I say yes "How many times untill seventy times seven
in one day if he repents & asks for it even all sins except
the sin against the Holy Ghost. If you will bring back my tools
grass & grain which you have taken unlawfully or any of my property
and ask forgiveness I will forgive you I will not cast
off any man untill he cast himself off I will not reject any
man untill he rejects himself, I will hold on to any man as long
as he has any prospect of salvation.
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
9th 10th 11th 12 13th & 14 This week has been spent in hunting lost
cattle, wattering wheat & common labour
~ Sunday
15th Sunday President Brigham Young addressed the congregation of the Saints in the following words.
I would like to say enough in few words to fill three sermons
I have had to deliver my discourses in few words. I wish the
people to sustain the priesthood as the priesthood. As to the opinion of men concerning myself as a man I care no more about
it than I do the dust under my feet. I dont care what you
say about me If you will ownly serve the Lord our God do the people
live so as to know the voice of the Good shepherd. I wish to state
one item here which concerns you seriously, that is concerning
the Indians here. They are Ignorant have been taught to steel
& kill from their childhood & those who could do the most of it were
considerd the greatest Braves & chiefs as soon as they begin to steal
here many of you want them killed compare their circumsta
nces with your own. You are taught from your cradles not to
steal or kill as it is a great crime now do you kill a white man
as soon as he steals weigh this subject well. Those who wish
them killed for stealing a horse reduce themselves far below the
Indian. You love them as well as I do, but when the curse
is taken off they will again be fit for society but while they
are in their degraded state it rests upon us to use wisdom &
judgment in their behalf. I say to the saints kill evry white
man you see stealing & not kill the Indian for it for the white men
know better. I speak to the saints not as the Govornor of Utah but you
& I are sent to save Israel not to kill them. Evry Elder that croses
a certain line I do not wish to see him but those who do right or
seek to do right if they commit an error we will forgive them
I do not ask for influence ownly what God gives me neither will
I give any man influence ownly what the Lord & his own good
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 8, 1851 - June 15, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 18, 2025,