Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1851

Journal Entry

June 08, 1851 ~ Sunday

8th Sunday President Young Addressed A full assembly of
the Saints as follows. I want to speak such things as are
in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my
religion embraces all things that Belong to the duties of life
The religion I have embraces all the principles of present
future, progressive & Eternal Salvation in evry sens of the
word. I labour for the salvation of myself & my Brethren I would
be glad to speak to thousands even the whole world if they could
Hear I would not like to preach in this House to 20 or 100 persons
when more than 1000 could get in Here then for 20 or 1100 more come
& Have to preach 20 or 50 times to have the people learn when
they could learn it all at once. The President of the Seventies
called A separate meeting to day I come & dismissed it what if the
Twelve TSeventies High Priest, Elders, priest, Teachers, Deacons & members
should do the same there would be bear walls for the House to
preach to & what good would it do? If the presidency of the seventies
Have such important things to lay before the quorum as to get them to
-gether on Sunday let them come & teach us all. I now want to
give council in this matter from this time forth & forever let
not the president of any quorum ever again call a separate meeting
from the public congregation unless the president of the Church order
it. The seventies should be Here And all the people should be Here
let the seventies Hall go & all other Business when Sunday comes

let the Saints of God come together & Hear the Elders teach
Apply your Hearts unto wisdom & get it. If I am full of
the spirit of God I shall not get any more than I want
It is the duty of all to come Here that can come & let the
power of Eternity rest upon us And you should not be asleep
but wide awake. When I contrast the present with the past
situations of the Saints I[t] gives me a great variety of feelings,
Both good & Bad Joyful & sorrowful I have seen this
people waiding through a school of affliction they then
were prayful & had faith their trying situation made
them remember the Lord their God. But now prosperity
is heaped upon you And as this people are to be tryed in all
things when prosperity comes some forget God wax fat
& rich do not realize the Blessings they are enjoying. some
who are in poverty abroad desire to gather with the saints
when they arive & get rich they forget what they have
Been. Could you see the feelings of thousands now
who are abroad who desire with all totheir hearts to come
Here they would be willing to lick up the dust of your feet
if they could but be Here they still are with the wicked
Bring them Here they look upon many who were poor
but now rich, they then desire to be rich also they want
gold & will soon be willing to sacrifice the society of the
Saints & go to the gold mines & plunge themselves again
into Hell as it were from whare they came to gratify an
unlawful desire thus it is with many men some were
to go to the plat to Bear River & keep a ferry to get gold
& wait on wicked ungodly men to get gold whare are
their minds like the fools eyes. I told them I would
not wait on the devils for loads of gold I would rather
stay here & serve the Lord. All I want of property is
to serve the Lord & build up his kingdom with it. I suppose
many of the Brethren & sisters are much tryed to think
they cannot have all they want. I will tell you what
to do, do all you can to day & let the rest go untill to morrow
do your duty to day and all will be right what
good would it do you to Have 999 years to search & Hear the revelations
& commandments of God if we have no time to carry one of
them out? If any one wants to get more revelations than they
improve upon they are greedy dogs. It will take 20 years to do the
work that God has revealed through the Mouth of his servant
Joseph which He laid out for us to perform before his death
even during the last year of his life to say nothing of what He
gave before. I will tell you your duty. Command your minds
from evry thing that is not for you to day & sit & worship God
not sit & sleep But worship the Lord today, go home at the close
of the meeting & get your food & rest then come to meeting again
ponder & reflect upon the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ & his sufferi-
ngs. if their is anything necessary to be done do it if an ox or an
Ass falls into the pit pull him out, drive any Beast out of your Neigh
bors grain & put up the fence. Do you meditate do you pray in
your families & in secret to get the spirit of God. you say you
have my ^your^ tryials I Have mine I will tell some of them Brethren will
come Here to meeting on Monday morning go through my field leave
my fence down let their cattle & Horses eat my wheat

Borrow my cart waggon, shovel, Hoe, Ax & evry thing I have
got & that to without liberty & never bring it home And if
it was not my duty to stay here I would lay my hands
upon some I could pick out who I have confidence in &
would go & form a colony by myself & would not Admit
of any person who was not proven. I cannot get grass in the
Big field but many of you do it. But I now warn you not to
steal my wood nor any of my property for if you continue
to do it I will put a mark upon such men that they will
carry all the days of their lives they are hypocritts and
think all others are the same I dont love them vary well
Again I say to you it is not your duty to get in debt to these
Merchants I say you shall pay your debts if you say you cant
pay I say you shall pay them.

I speak of the faults of my
Brethren you may ask shall we forgive our Brother his trespas
if He repents I say yes "How many times, untill seventy times seven["]
in one day if He repents & asks for it even all sins except
the sin agains[t] the Holy Ghost. [Matthew 18:21-22] If you will bring back my tools
grass & grain which you have taken unlawfully or any of my property
And ask forgiveness I will return forgive you I will not cast
of[f] any man untill He cast himself off I will not reject any
man untill He rejects himself. I will hold on to any man as long
as he has any prospect of salvation.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

wisdom & ingenuety in temperal things true friendship is not known on the Earth if it is not among this people But the friendship of this people is the fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ this must continue to improve untill they are perfect
~ Brigham Young
the greatest warfare is with ourselves if we can gain a victory with ourselves so as to have peace with ourselves our wives & childn we shall do well.
~ Brigham Young
June 8, 1851 ~ Sunday 8th Sunday President Young addressed a full assembly of the Saints as follows. I want to speak such things as are in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my religion embraces all things that belong to the duties of life The Religion I have embraces all the principles of present future, progressive & Eternal Salvation in evry sens of the word. I labour for the salvation of myself & my Brethren I would be glad to speak to thousands even the whole world if they could hear
~ Brigham Young
When I contrast the present with the past situations of the Saints I[t] gives me a great variety of feelings, both good & bad Joyful & sorrowful I have seen this people waiding through a school of affliction they then were prayful & had faith their trying situation made them remember the Lord their God. But now prosperity is heaped upon you and as this people are to be tryed in all things when prosperity comes some forget God wax fat & rich do not realize the blessings they are enjoying.
~ Brigham Young
I told them I would not wait on the devils for loads of gold I would rather stay here & serve the Lord. All I want of property is to serve the Lord & build up his kingdom with it.
~ Brigham Young
I will tell you what to do, do all you can to day & let the rest go untill to morrow do your duty to day and all will be right what good would it do you to have 999 years to search & hear the revelations & commandments of God if we have no time to carry one of them out.
~ Brigham Young
I will not cast of[f] any man untill he cast himself off I will not reject any man untill he rejects himself, I will hold on to any man as long as he has any prospect of salvation.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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"I want to speak such things as are in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my religion embraces all things that belong to the duties of life


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Jun 8, 1851