31 We started at 6:30
& rode to Johnsons
pond stoped & warmd
vary cold we then drove
to Miners-ville and all
chilled through 30 Miles
we Drove then rode
to Melford vary cold 15 [Miles]
total for the day 45 [Miles]
took cars rode to Provo 45 + 195 Miles = 240 Total Miles
~ Tuesday
Jan 1, 1884 Left at
7:30 to Salt Lake50 [Miles].
On My arival I went to the office & found 123 letters in a
large bundle of papers I was
very weary and went to bed
in the Afternoon and slept
most of the time untill Mor[nin]g
~ Monday
31 [FIGURE] We started at 6:30. An extreme cold
Morning we rode to rush Lake 6 miles and was vary
cold we stoped and warmed and hot rocks & started
on and was 7 Hours in facing a cold North wind
in crossing the Mountain and Reaching Minersville
and when we arived there I was so chilled I could
hardly stand upon my feet we here met Joseph
F Smith & F M Lyman they had been holding a
Meeting we took Dinner and drove to Milford
took supper with Br Tanner and went on
to the cars and lay down on the seats all night
with But Little sleep distance from Johnson fort
to Milford 45 Miles from Milford to Provo 195
and to Salt Lake 50. total from Johnson fort 290
~ Tuesday
Jan 1, 1884
we arived in Salt Lake at 9:30 on New Years
day. I went to the office and received 12 letters
[FIGURE] and a Bundle of papers I was vary weary and
went to Bed in the Afternoon and slept most of the time untill
Select a date to see more documents from that day.