Jan 2nd 18484 I went to the office
and looked over 13 Letters in the
forenoon I attended Council in
the Afternoon A snow storm
I reported on the Lamanites & Canaan Stock After the minutes
of the {shorthand} I left with G Q Cannon
~ Thursday
3 I looked over my Acc[ou]nt at
the Tith[ing] office and found a Debt
of $155, and got an order
of $200 to cover it I spent the
day in the office I wrote
a Letter to Emma W
5 [FIGURE] I recd a letter from McAllister & the Labor in
the Temple for 7 years from
1877 to 1883 Baptized
187231, Endowed 75808
ordained 28276 ordained 28276
sealed 26031 children to par[en]ts 5688
2 I went to the office and read 13 letters and filed them
I attended the council in the Afternoon A snow storm
I reported about the Lamanites and the Canaan Stock
Affair. The Minuts of our Priesthood Meeting {school}
in the Temple I gave to G Q Cannon
~ Thursday
3 I got a tithing order of $200 took to the Tithing office
to draw from I wrote 1 Letter to Emma and sent
[FIGURE] her order $35.
~ Friday
4th I spent the day in the office writing my Journal
~ Saturday
5 [FIGURE] I received a letter from J McAllister containing
the Labor for seven years from 1877 to 1883.
We had Baptized mostly for the Dead 187231,
hadEndowed 75808, Ordained 28276,
had sealed 26031 at the Altar, had sealed 5688 children
to their Parents, had administered the ordinance of Adoption
to 4094 person had given second Anointing to 20785Mary Vancott Young died this Morning about 9 oclk
caused By a surgical operation of the womb By
Dr Hughs & others I delivered to Junius Wells 1, 2, 3, 4
vol of the contributor for Binding I went to the field
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