April 29, 1884 ~ Tuesday
29 I rec[eive]d 1 Letter today & wrote Lett[e]rs to O. G. Snow Thomas Ames & Gen J ^A^ Williamson Land Commis- sion Atlintic & pacific R. R. 626 F Street Washington D. C.
see Copy Book
wrote to Sarah To E Snow J G Bleak
April 30, 1884 ~ Wednesday
Aprail 30 w w ord[ain]ed Francis Charles Teasdale a 70 & set ap[ar]t to a Mission to the Cheroke Israel Bale 70 R to the Cherokee Territory
w w set apart 1 for New Zealand & J F Smith 1.
[FIGURE] I wrote A Lett[e]r to Jesse Moses & card to Sarah
wrote to Nellie & Asahel
29 FIGURES I received 1 letter to day and wrote 6 Letters to O. G. Snow Thomas Ames Gen. Williamson to Sarah E Snow & J. G. Bleak. we have cold stormy weather
30 W Woodruff ordained Francis Charles Teasdale a seventy and set apart to a Mission to the Indian Territor F D Richards set apart Israel Bale to the same Mission
Aprail 30, 1884 The Bannock Indian Chief with several others called upon us to day at the office and had a talk with us Br Joseph F Smith gave them an order for a sack of corn and 300 lb of flour Br F S Richards set apart a woman to go on a Mission with her husband
May 1, 1884 ~ Thursday
May 1. FIGURES I received 1 Letter from W. G. Smith I wrote 5 Letters to W. G. Smith Asahel H Woodruff Nellie Woodruff, Jesse Moses & Sarah. I spent the night at the farm 6 miles