I called upon Bro Wakefield
then went to the Temple and found
I had been sealed for ^134^ 126 couple
since my arival in St George this
time I find on my sealing
record that I have sealed
978 couple on the record
up to Dec 28, 1883
I have had sealed to me accord[in]g
to the record 320 Dead women
up to 25 Dec 1883 Ema was
sealed for 134 I have had
2305 Endow[me]nts for my dead.
I have 628 yet to do for
Endow[me]nts mak[in]g a total on
the record of my baptisms 2934 up to date Endow[me]nts 57 ordinat[ion]s 30
sealings 31 sealings children
to parents 9 I dined with
Bro McAllister we then
took carriage & rode
to Washington & stoped
with Bro Barron
~ Friday
28 I called upon Br Wakefield then went to the
Temple and in searching my record I find I
have been baptized for 2934 of my Dead have
Endowments for 2305 and have 628 more
to be Endowed for I have been sealed for 978 couple
of Dead friends I have been sealed for 134 couple of
dead friends on this present visit. There was 57
Endowments to day 30 ordinations & 31 sealings I
dined with Br McAllister
29 We rode to Leeds and Dined with Br Wilkin
we then rode to Belview and spent the night with
Br Gregener {I broke down to a [illegible] a lamp [illegible].} 24 Miles
we rode to Leeds and dined with Brother Barry
we administered to Young Elizabeth Shapley we rode
to Bellview and spent the night to Johnsons Fort & held a Meeting. G Teasdale spoke
30 Minutes W Woodruff 35 we stoped with Br Jones 40 Mi
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