20 we Drove to Beavr & slept
for the night at Br Mumfords 32 M[iles]
~ Thursday
21 we rode 20 Mils to
Olsons had a vary sick colt
we Declared it 20 M
~ Friday
22 {shorthand} Bles Sister Olson {shorthand} {shorthand} we drove to fish creek
& camp colt vary sick we were
all sick I caught 15 In trout 25 M
Page 11
~ Saturday
23 colt sick I went fishing I caght
40 trout total caght 554 we left
at 3 oclok & d[ro]ve to Exellante
Distnce of the Day 15 Miles
~ Sunday
24 Sunday we spent the day at
Bish[o]p Sylvester we left our
colts with the Brother to take
care of till our return
we Drove in the even[in]g to Rich-
field & had in interview
with president Thurber & 2 concllr [counselors] Clark & Sigmiller & Wheelock
spent the DNight with Thurber
7 Mil
~ Monday
25 We spent the day at Thurbers resting [FIGURE] I wrote ^I wrote^ 3 letters [Stones Durham]parawun
and a Number of Brethren in the office In the Evening I went to the Gardo House & viewed the body
of president TaylorA M Cannon
then took me in the buggy
& took me to the farm &
I met my children & spent the
night Distnce 95 Mils
12 oclok I saw the procession
pass to 7 Bands 43 carriages 31 Buggies
19 waggons 1 cart total 102 and a large
congregation I wrote letters to Sarah ^& Newton^ [FIGURE]McAThomasCottamEmma T
I rode to the farm recd 3 letters
from Jaques, Jesse Sarah McAll
I Held a Meeting with the Apostls 30 went to the field & spent the night
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at the farm Brothe Thompson ar[rive]d at Night & I
unloaded my things I had an
Interview with with Brothe Wilkin
~ Sunday
31 Sund[a]y I looked over my Ac[cou]nts
and offices and
Aut 3. I Met with the Quorm
of the Twelve 8 of us G. Q. C.
opened by prayer W W made
a speech on the Apostleship
Br Grant & Thacher spok upon
the subject of union A vote
was taken to rensstate G Q Cann
& Joseph F Smith to ther plac in
the Quroum considerable talk
upon var[io]us subjects we discussed
for 30 M. Lawyer Legrand Young
& F. S Richards called upon
us about the suit ag[ain]st us
we Dscd then Met D. H. Wells said the 12 was
not at liberty to ask for
the presidency of the Church they
ownly had the right to
Page 16
appendt a presdt of the
Church {shorthand}
~ Wednesday
{shorthand} Aug 4th. [FIGURES] I recd letters
from Sarah, Asahel & Roskelley [FIGURE] I wrote letters to Sarah{shorthand} $10
to Sylvia sent $10 sent $10 to Emeline
I Met in council at 10:30 The Contitution of State of Utah was
produced & explained J W Young letterwasred we voted
to Appropriate $5000 dollars
to John W Young for Business east
Afternoon Auditing Committee
voted for [FIGURE]Wm H Thompson wages sent
to $1500. $100 Appropriated wrote G Teasdale
22 Rcd 10 letters signed 14 Rec[om]mends [FIGURE] wrote to [Malo &][Stenton] & Atkin & Cottam Had an interview
with E SnowF S Richards &c
were up till 12{shorthand}
~ Tuesday
23 rose 15 to 2 went to Emmas
took Breakfast then took cars
with EmNellie 2 children &
Bro Bateman at 4{shorthand} rode to provo and at 9{shorthand} travelled 50 Miles
in 5 Hour the total 50 Miles
I[n] evening rode in the same time with
a teem [and unto Mr Evan]
23 Aug paid Bulah Woodruff $21 for [lunch] & illegible
I gave Nellie $5 children $2
gave Emma $5 Her sick
~ Wednesday
24 [FIGURE] I wrote 4 letters to Asahel PhebeJames & Jesse I took
a ride around provo with A OSmoot I Met in the
evning A O Smoot & wife
2 DusenburyDavid
John Cluff & A O Smoot
& wife I was called up
at 12 at night to adm[inis]ter
to the young woman [Zella]
Webb b[u]rned a year or so [almost]
to Death got [Let[ter] for Asahel]
Sept 7. Recd letters 30 public 15 private
signed 85 recemds
~ Thursday
Sept 8. Met at 10 {shorthand}
Mexican offer investigated
& voted to Drive stock to Mexico & org[an]ize a
coorperte company to carry
on the business the
~ Saturday
10. Recd public letters 10 x private letters 11 signed recemds 12 x 4 x 4 wrote letters
& signed for $6000
Page 22
~ Saturday
Sept 17. signd rec 4 x 3 x received letters pub 3 x private letters 1111 [4] wrote letters pub 8 prvt 2
Nov 21, [18]87 signed 20 recmds
recd 20 letters I wrote letters [FIGURE] to Jaqus
I had an interview with [Edton Green]
& with Ensigns gave him $20
to get posts wire & boards to
make a fence in the East sid
of the lot I had Deposited to my
credit at Zions Savings bank
$1000 to my order
13 No ducks to day I was
quite we[a]ry we took
waggon at 9 oclok &
rode to platform on
the rail road took
car & went home 45 Mile
& spent the night
Page 24
~ Saturday
April 14 [18]88
I recd 20 letters [FIGURE] & wrote 10 public
letters I helped the boys
plant 2 bar[re]les of
potatoes set out a
strawberry bed & sow
13 fruit trees was
weary at night I put
into my pond 4 carp
Page 25
L B Logan Youngstown Ohio
the New Book
Practical Carp Culture
$1 send paper [American Carp Culture]
send stamps 50 M
send Book Number
&c Vol 4 to W Woodruff
Box 321 Salt Lake City
till 9 oclok we then
took waggons & drove
through the canyons &
on to Manti we
came neer turning over
in the dark got out
of the road we arrived
at Manti at 4 [{shorthand}]
quite cold got warm
& went to bed 40 Miles
slept in the Temple
~ Tuesday
15 We took breakfast
& Met with McAl
& Bleak we visited the
whole Temple from Base-
ment to roof I was
quite weary I met with
a Number of the Brethrn
I was not well did not sleep
[sideways text] at all in the night [end of sideways text]
16 I arose unwell this
morning I Met in the Temple
& had the prayer read
for reception or rejection
we also org[a]n[ize]d the Temple
company we Met friends &
Afternoon I Met with qui[te]
a Number of the Broth
I suffered much during
the night with Azma [Asthma]
hard work to breath
~ Thursday
17. We Met in the Temple
of the Lord at 10 {shorthand}
for prayer G Q C was
Mouth remarks were
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Sarah
of 8 pages went to bed at
11:30 slept till 6 in the Mng [Morning]
~ Friday
18 I set D H Wells apart
& L Snow [set apart] Brother Lund we
spent several hours in council
in council we then bid good
by to all in the Temple & rode
to Ephraim took Diner
took carr[ia]ge & rode tover
the Mountain to the rail
road 2 Miles North of Nephi we took special
car & rode to Farmer Ward
took cariage & rode to Emmas & sp[en]t the night
Distance of the day 130 Miles
went to bed at 2 {[shorthand]}
Page 31
~ Saturday
19 got up had an interview
with Azmon who was
in Trouble saw Sister Ship
gave her a ticket to go
into the Temple
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 17 I took Em & Alice with Brothe Bateman
& drove to Youngs Peak Lodge
whare Asahel had set 15 tents
a cook Home &c & spent
the night 14 Miles
~ Wednesday
18 I ^took up the oar^ went up the creek
fishing Mr Leopold & wife
fisher Mr Leopold is a great
fisher I caught 5 Asahel 25
Mr [Smith] 15 I was weary at
night I see the play
croquet in the Evg
Page 32
~ Thursday
19. Asahel took some ore
out of his [claim] & we drove
6 Miles up the creek and He
entered his city plot as Mineral
lands we fished Down I caught
7, Asahel 9 [Lind] 8. I was
vary weary & lame 10 Miles
19 we laid in camp
Had a hard rain storm
in the evening & cold Owen came up
~ Friday
20 we lay in campAsahel
went up to the Mill &
got saw dust had
several [Amnts] We returd
home in the evening 15 M[iles]
Page 33
~ Saturday
July 21. Saturday I was quite
sick in the forenoon with
Diarrhea 2 loads went up
to the LodgeOwen went
up in the evening with Ovando Beebe & Clara & Blanch we had a little
sprinkle in the evening
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day
reading mostly
~ Monday
23 I went to the Gardo
& HERE spent the day Met with
the 12 & [Legr[a]d y[ou]n[g]]
Got Telegram for [we hoped] [then our] Temple wold be
safe I signed 18 Rec[om]m[en]ds rcd
25 Letters wrote to Jaques
Page 34
~ Tuesday
24 July pioner Day I wrote
an Address for the Assembly
Gardo Home closed up keys &
charge put into the Hands
of John R Winder
The financial office of the
Church Made Manifest the
Debts of the Church to be
The [can][defend] all Church
property sold Herd of [stock]
[end of upside-down text]
Page 46
[upside-down text]
Exiled from Home
Exiled from home to night I wandered lonely
Far from my friends and those I loved at home
seeking a place where Earth myay lend her shelter
who gives her rest where ere the wanderer roam^s^
Exile from home to night I wander lonely
Far from my friends and those I love so dear
Heaven alone my Heart can ownly comfort
soothing the pain and stop the falling tear
Earth has no charms when parted from our loved ones
Though we may hear the music and the music and the ^suns^
Though she may gleam in splender all around you
Though you perchance might Join the festal throng
Yet there a gleam of light is seen above us
Opening to view a vision yet to come
when we shall meet again with all our dear ^ones^
And share again the love of all at home
[end of upside-down text]
Page 47
Page 48
Page 49
[upside-down text]
God has set in the church
Apostate Hebrew
the Apostleship the Right office
[end of upside-down text]