JAN. 1st 1838. I Willford am now standing upon one of the Islands of the sea in defence
of the truth and for the word of GOD and the testimony of JESUS CHRIST. I am in North America
North Lat 44 West Long 68 46 South Fox IslandsVinalhaven Maine. I am labouring in the ministry
alone at this time. I am blessed, however, with the company of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff my companion &
friend: O may the LORD bless us in all rightoousness. O may the God of AbramIsaac & Jacob stand
by me and give me many souls as seals of my ministry during this year. May HE enable me to go and
come at his bidding & keep his commandments in all things. I have been declairing the word of God
faithfully through these Islands for many dayes and the Spirit of GOD is like fire, in a dry stubble,
among the people. Prejudice is rolling away like a torrent & GOD is manifesting his work in mighty
I spent this NEW YEARS DAY in the following manner. I visited the Saints & neighbours
& found the solemnities of Eternity resting upon the people some crying what shall I do to be saved
I met a congregation at Capt Charles Brown at 2 PM. I led three persons down into the sea and
Baptized them which were two sea captains and one lady viz CAPT Charles Brown, CAPT. Jesse Coombs & his wife we had an interesting time in the confermation. After meeting in
company with Mrs Woodruff I rode in a wherry by watter to Brother Thomas Arey's 2nd & spent
the evening with a number of the Saints in reading, singing, and Prayer. distance of the day 7 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Rode by water with Mrs Woodruff to Capt Benjamin Coombs, spent the day at his house
I receieved a present from the Saints of $10. I spent the night at Mr Coombs
JAN 1st 1838. I Willford am now standing upon one of the Islands of the sea in defence
of the truth and for the word of GOD and the testimony of JESUS CHRIST. I am in North America
North Lat 44. West Long 68 46 South Fox Islands Vinalhaven Maine. I am labouring in the ministry
alone at this time, I am blessed, however, with the company of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff my companion &
friend: O may the LORD bless us in all righteousness. O may the God of Abram Isaac & Jacob stand
by me and give me many souls as seals of my ministry during this year. May HE enable me to go and
come at his bidding & keep his commandments in all things. I have been declairing the word of God
faithfully through these Islands for many days and the spirit of GOD is like fire, in a dry stubble,
among the people. Prejudice is rolling away like a torrent & GOD is manifesting his work in mighty
power. I spent this NEW YEARS DAY in the following manner. I visited the saints & neighbours
& found the solemnities of Eternity resting upon the people some crying what shall I do to be saved
I met a congregation at Capt Charles Brown at 2 PM. I led three persons down into the sea and
Baptized them which were two sea captains and one lady viz CAPT Charles Brown, CAPT.
Jesse Coombs & his wife we had an interesting time in the confermation. After meeting in
company with Mrs Woodruff I rode in a wherry by watter to Brother Thomas Arey's 2nd & spent
the evening with a number of the saints in reading, singing, and Prayer. distance of the day 7 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Rode by water with Mrs Woodruff to capt Benjamin Coombs, spent the day at his house
I receieved a present from the saints of $10. I spent the night at Mr Coombs
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at capt Coombs in writing my Journals. I also wrote a Letter to Elder
Don C Smith in Kirtland. I sent him five subscribers for the Elders Journal viz Abram Carver,
Thomas Arey 1st Thomas Arey 2.nd. Ebenezar Arey, Jabez Myrick, & I enclosed in the letter
$15 dollars to be divided in the following manner $1. credited to each of the above subscribers
$1. to John M Sellers & the other $9 dollars to Pay my Due Bill to William Marks in the
hands of W A. Cowdery
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," January 1, 1838 - January 3, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/k6r