13 We walked to Mr Kents crossed the thoroughfare we had a tedious walk to Mr James Crocketts
in consequence of our assisting a man in carrying his trunk's for 2 1/2 miles through the snow after
his neighbours had left him alone in trouble like the man that fell among thieves: [Luke 10:30-37] when we reached the
Mail boat we were quite exhausted. We crossed the bay to Camden, & then walked to Br Ebenezer Ames 20 miles
~ Wednesday
14. We spent the day at Br Ames{We heard that Kirtland was in difficulty}
~ Thursday
15. We walked to the Simonton district and had a happy interview with Br James Townsend direct from the Saco church our harts were made glad. We preached in the schoolhouse I spent the night with Mr Brown 3 miles
~ Friday
16th I left the Simonton district in company with Elder Ball & J. Townsend, we repaired to a grove and held
a council and the Holy Ghost said seperate unto me James to the ministry se we ordained Brother James
Townsend unto the office of an Elder we had a good time & the Spirit of God rested upon us although we were
alone in a grove surrounded by a snow storm: we then walked to Br Ames we had an interesting time in the evening
in speaking our feelings to each other distance of the day 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I took the parting hand with Elder Ball as he was about to return to the Island, and then started in company
with Elder J. Townsend for sSearsmont the roads were drifted with snow & the people were fearful we could
not get through, but we went forward in the Lord the winds were high & the air was filled with snow, we broke
the roads for 7 miles 3 of it was across a pond we arived at Searsmont at 2 oclok PM & spent the night at Mr Hues Richards & was kindly entertained by him 7 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday the wether more plesent I Preached on the Book of Mormon we dined at Levi Gray's Elder Townsend
and myself had an interesting time in secret prayer in a snow bank I preached again upon the gospel the Spirit of
God rested [upon] me we spent the night at Joseph Hardy's 3 miles
13 We walked to Mr Kents crossed the thoroughfare we had a tedious walk to Mr James Crocketts
in consequence of our assisting a man in carrying his trunk's for 2 1/2 miles through the snow after
his neighbours had left him alone in trouble like the man that fell among thieves: when we reached the
Mail boat we were quite exhausted. We crossed the bay to Camden, & then walked to Br Ebenezer Ames 20 miles
~ Wednesday
14. We spent the day at Br Ames{We heard that Kirtland was in difficulty}
~ Thursday
15. We walked to the Simonton district and had a happy interview with Br James Townsend direct from the
Saco Church our harts were made glad. We preached in the schoolhouse I spent the night with Mr Brown 3 miles
~ Friday
16th I left the Simonton district in company with Elder Ball & J. Townsend, we repaired to a grove and held
a council and the Holy Ghost said seperate unto me James to the ministry so we ordained Brother James
Townsend unto the office of an Elder we had a good time & the spirit of God rested upon us although we were
alone in a grove surrounded by a snow storm: we then walked to Br Ames we had an interesting time in the evening
in speaking our feelings to each other distance of the day 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I took the parting hand with Elder Ball as he was about to return to the Island, and then started in company
with Elder J. Townsend for Searsmont the roads were drifted with snow & the people were fearful we could
not get through, but we went forward in the Lord the winds were high & the air was filled with snow, we broke
the roads for 7 miles 3 of it was across a pond we arived at Searsmont at 2 oclok PM & spent the night at Mr
Hues Richards & was kindly entertained by him 7 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday the wether more plesent I Preached on the Book of Mormon we dined at Levi Gray's Elder Townsend
and myself had an interesting time in secret prayer in a snow bank I preached again upon the gospel the spirit of
God rested upon me we spent the night at Joseph Hardy's 3 miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," February 7, 1838 - February 18, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/p9X