was called to the chair & Elder Edwin P. Merriam clerk I opened the meeting by prayer & address
ed the Church in great plainness one hour as Elder Dunham had transgressed openly before the
Church I rebuked him openly & protested against the spirit he possessed & maintained during the Springfield Conference ie the Brewster spirit Elder Simeon Carter followed me & maintained the
principle with me & so did the others that spoke Elder Jonathan Dunham arose & confessed his fault
& asked forgiveness & also Br Brewster & some others & we forgave them all. I next made a requ
est of the Church to make a collection in the behalf of the poor Saints in Far West or for their remo
val & their was about $70 dollars donated for this purpose & a messenger immediately sent to Quincy with the money for that purpose we then closed our council, & I spent the night with Br Whittle the Distance of the day 24 [miles]
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I returned to my dwelling in Rochester.
April 1st I have spent several days drawing rails & settleing my business in order to move to Quincy
~ Wednesday
3rd My life from my childhood hath ever been attended with a continued succ
ession of the greatest dangers & misfortunes almost that are incident to human life. I was this morning also
delivered by the mercy of God out of great dangers while riding upon the running part of a waggon without
the box the bolt droped out of the reach or cupling pole & I was sitting upon the bolster over the foremost
wheels & the waggon parted & I was immediately closed or shut up between the bolster & tuongue the
horses being frightend they ran with me & dragged me upon the ground for several minutes I was soon
enabled to run the horses into a fence & stoped them untill I could extricate myself from the difficulty
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
April 8th I took the parting hand with the Saints in Rochester & left for Quincy with my family I passed through Springfield [and] Jacksonsville, crossed the river at Philips ferry we arived in Quincy on the 16th being 8 days
on the road during which time I was severely afflicted with sore eyes the whole distance 120 miles
~ Wednesday
17th I settled my family in Quincy & prepared myself to accompany the twelve to fulfill a certain revelatio
n & commandment of the Lord which required us to take our leave of the Saints at far west
on the 26th day of April 1839 for the nations of the earth [Doctrine and Covenants 118:4-5]
was called to the chair & Elder Edwin P. Merriam clerk I opened the meeting by prayer & address
ed the church in great plainness one hour as Elder Dunham had transgressed openly before the
church I rebuked him openly & protested against the spirit he possessed & maintained during the
Springfield Conference ie the Brewster spirit Elder Simeon Carter followed me & maintained the
principle with me & so did the others that spoke Elder Jonathan Dunham arose & confessed his fault
& asked forgiveness & also Br Brewster & some others & we forgave them all. I next made a requ
est of the church to make a collection in the behalf of the poor saints in Far West or for their remo
val & their was about $70 dollars donated for this purpose & a messenger immediately sent to
Quincy with the money for that purpose we then closed our council. & I spent the night with Br
Whittle the Distance of the day 24
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I returned to my dwelling in Rochester.
April 1st I have spent several days drawing rails & settleing my business in order to move to Quincy
~ Wednesday
3rd FIGURES My life from my childhood hath ever been attended with a continued succ
ession of the greatest dangers & misfortunes almost that are incident to human life. I was this morning also
delivered by the mercy of God out of great dangers while riding upon the running part of a waggon without
the box the bolt droped out of the reach or cupling pole & I was sitting upon the bolster over the foremost
wheels & the waggon parted & I was immediately closed or shut up between the bolster & tongue the
horses being frightend they ran with me & dragged me upon the ground for several minutes I was soon
enabled to run the horses into a fence & stoped them untill I could extricate myself from the difficulty
~ Monday
April 8th I took the parting hand with the saints in Rochester & left for Quincy with my family I passed through
Springfield and Jacksonsville, crossed the river at Philips ferry we arived in Quincy on the 16th being 8 days
on the road during which time I was severely afflicted with sore eyes the whole distance 120 miles
~ Wednesday
17th I settled my family in Quincy & prepared myself to accompany the twelve to fulfill a certain revelatio
n & commandment of the Lord which required us to take our leave of the saints at far west
on the 26th day of for the nations of the earth
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," March 23, 1839 - April 17, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed November 4, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/A87