and I arose the Spirit of God rested upon me I declared the word of God to the people in great
plainness my words were at times mixed with the report of musketry that were echoing outside of
of the house. I was plain in declairing to the people the judgments of God I shook my garments in the
presens of the people & informed them that I was clear of their Blood. I asked if any wished to receieve the
gospel & two arose to Be Baptized We closed the meeting after the evening had borne its report to heaven
We blessed three children of Br Stearrett's and spent the night with him {distance} 4 miles
~ Tuesday
156 We met a company upon the beach near Br Starrett's to administer in the ordinance of Baptism
after singing a hymn I led a man down into the water and Baptized him & as on the night before
so on this occasion our ears were saluted with the report of fire arms. O when will the earth rest
from wickedness and pollution men learn righteousness & satan know the length of his chain. We
walked to the east schoolhouse to hold a meeting Elder Ball arose & opened the meeting & commenced
preaching a mob of the baser sort soon appeared & began to disturb the meeting by walking across
the house & talking, whistleing, singing, dancing, &c I followed Br Ball and closed amid much con-
fusion we walked to Mr David McMullen's & spent the night distance 3 miles
~ Wednesday
167 We walked to Br M Luce's & to Br Ames we learned that Notices were posted up in noted places
warning us to leave the town but we concluded it best to obey GOD rather than man so we
continued in our Masters business. Walked to Br Nathaniel Thomas'es & held an interesting
prayer meeting two offered themselves for Baptism. We receieved the 2nd No of the Elders Journal
it did our souls good. I conversed untill 2 oclock with Br & Sister Thomas distance 5 miles
~ Thursday
18 Walked to Br Malatire Luce Elder Ball Baptized three persons, & we held a prayer Meeting at night 3 [miles]
~ Friday
19 Walked to Br Justus Ames & to John Kents crossed the Thoroughfare walked to {Cap}Isaac Crocketts
& held a meeting at his house I arose to speak & the power of God rested upon me I Prophesied of the judgm-
ents of God & spoke in tongues & interpeted the same Elder Ball spoke to us in the Spirit of God. two
offered themselves for Baptism we spent the night at Mr Croecketts distance 8 miles
and I arose the spirit of God rested upon me I declared the word of God to the people in great
plainness my words were at times mixed with the report of musketry that were echoing outside of
of the house. I was plain in declairing to the people the judgments of God I shook my garments in the
presens of the people & informed them that I was clear of their Blood. I asked if any wished to receieve the
gospel & two arose to Be Baptized we closed the meeting after the evening had borne its report to heaven
we blessed three children of Br Sterrett's and spent the night with him {distance} 4 miles
~ Tuesday
16 We met a company upon the beach near Br Starrett's to administer in the ordinance of Baptism
after singing a hymn I led a man down into the water and Baptized him & as on the night before
so on this occasion our ears were saluted with the report of fire arms. O when will the earth rest
from wickedness and pollution men learn righteousness & satan know the length of his chain. We
walked to the east schoolhouse to hold a meeting Elder Ball arose & opened the meeting & commenced
preaching a mob of the baser sort soon appeared & began to disturb the meeting by walking across
the house & talking, whistleing, singing, dancing, &c I followed Br Ball and closed amid much confusion we walked to Mr David McMullen's & spent the night distance 3 miles
~ Wednesday
17 We walked to Br M Luce's & to Br Ames we learned that notices were posted up in noted places
warning us to leave the town but we concluded it best to obey GOD rather than man so we
continued in our Masters business. Walked to Br Nathaniel Thomas'es & held an interesting
prayer meeting two offered themselves for Baptism. We receieved the 2nd No of the Elders Journal
it did our souls good. I conversed untill 2 oclock with Br & Sister Thomas distance 5 miles
~ Thursday
18 Walked to Br Malatire Luce Elder Ball Baptized three persons, & we held a prayer Meeting at night 3
~ Friday
19 Walked to Br Justus Ames & to John Kents crossed the Thoroughfare walked to {Cap}Isaac Crocketts
& held a meeting at his house I arose to speak & the power of God rested upon me I Prophesied of the judgments of God & spoke in tongues & interpeted the same Elder Ball spoke to us in the spirit of God. two
offered themselves for Baptism we spent the night at Mr Crocketts distance 8 miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," January 15, 1838 - January 19, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/m7E