28 I spent the day at Brother McClains my cough is still severe. three men called in
the evening one of which was lame to have Elder Pratt heal him that they might
have a sign in order to believe the work of God, but a sign they did not get. I
had an interview with Br Lane, & spent the night at Br Albright 94 King st 2 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
29th I spent the day at Br Albrights. I sent a package to Ilus at his store by Br Clark
that was put into my hands by Br Parley from Phebe my cold is still severe
but the fever & ague appears to have left me.
~ Wednesday
30 I walked to Elder P. P. Pratts abiding place 109 Charlton St from thence to Br
McClains, & Ilus F Carters, from thence to Br Burge 41 King St & made some
arangements with the brethren that were to ship for England on the morrow
viz Elders ClarkWright & Mullenar & then to Br Albrights & spent the night 4 m
NOV 1st I accompanied the above named brethren on board the Packet ship
Tarolinta Capt Smith bound for Liverpool. they took steerage passage and
looked quite comfortable. After committing thes Beloved brethren unto God
I took the parting hand with them. I was expecting to go with them, but thought
it wisdom to tarry untill more of the quorum of the Twelve arived so that we might
hold a conference in New York before we set sail. May the Lord grant those Brethre[n]
a safe passage I Pray. I travled over the city much during the day. Sister Pratt had
a sick day with the chills & fever. his two children have it also 3 m
~ Saturday
2nd I wrote a letter to Br Nathaniel Thomas. I copied a short extract from A paper
as follows. Moses Montifier's brother in Law to Rothchild lately visited Egypt & made
three proposal to the Pacha of Egypt. 1st to esstablish a bank in Egypt with a Capitol
of $10,000000 dollars. 2nd To Purchase lands in Syria for the Jews. 3rd To make the
oath of the Jews Admitbable through Syria & Palestine
~ Monday
28 I spent the day at Brother McClains my cough is still severe three men called in
the evening one of which was lame to have Elder Pratt heal him that they might
have a sign in order to believe the work of God, but a sign they did not get. I
had an interview with Br Lane, & spent the night at Br Albright 94 King St 2 m
~ Tuesday
29th I spent the day at Br Albrights. I sent a package to Ilus at his store by Br Clark
that was put into my hands by Br Parley from Phebe my cold is still severe
but the fever & ague appears to have left me.
~ Wednesday
30 I walked to Elder P P Pratts abiding place 109 Charlton St from thence to Br
McClains, & Ilus F Carters from thence to Br Burge 41 King St & made some
arangements with the brethren that were to ship for England on the morrow
viz Elders ClarkWright & Mullenar & then to Br Albrights & spent the night 4 m
NOV 1st I accompanied the above named brethren on board the Packet ship
Tarolinta Capt Smith bound for Liverpool. they took steerage Passage and
looked quite comfortable. After committing thes Beloved brethren unto God
I took the Parting hand with them. I was expecting to go with them, but thought
it wisdom to tarry untill more of the quorum of the Twelve arived so that we might
hold a conference in New York before we set sail. May the Lord grant those Brethren
a safe passage I Pray. I travled over the city much during the day. Sister Pratt had
a sick day with the chills & fever, his two children have it also 3 m
~ Saturday
2nd [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Br Nathaniel Thomas. [FIGURE] I copied a short extract from A paper
as follows. Moses Montifier's brother in Law to Rothchild lately visited Egypt & made
three proposal to the Pacha of Egypt. 1st to esstablish a bank in Egypt with a Capitol
of $10,000,000 dollars. 2nd To Purchase lands in Syria for the Jews. 3rd To make the
oath of the Jews Admitable through Syria & Palestine
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," October 28, 1839 - November 2, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yA6