persecute &c I had a trial of
mind in consequence of there being
a prospect of leaving Elder Holmes
in Kirtland without visiting him
these are days not to be forgotten
distance of the day 16 miles
~ Wednesday
14th Elder Townsend finally concluded
to walk to Kirtland to visit Elder M. Holmes
We continued our journey to Shardon
many people stared at us as we passed
through the village we continued from
Shardon about 2 miles & put up
for the night with Mr. Truman
Gilbert he was a gentleman &
treated us well We got through this
part of the country well & without
any trouble or distirbance distance 11 m Ephraim Luce & Charles Brown are
yet behind us
~ Thursday
15th It was a vary rainy day we did
not journey at all this day we stayed at
Mr Gilberts During the day & night
persecuted &c I had a trial of
mind in consequence of there being
a prospect of leaving Elder Holmes
in Kirtland without visiting him
these are days not to be forgotten
distance of the day 16 miles
~ Wednesday
14th Elder Townsend finally concluded
to walk to Kirtland to visit Elder M. Holmes
We continued our journey to Shardon
many people stared at us as we passed
through the village we continued from
Shardon about 2 miles & put up
for the night with Mr Truman
Gilbert he was a gentleman &
treated us well We got through this
part of the country well & without
any trouble or disturbance distans 11m
Ephraim Luce & Charles Brown are
yet behind us
~ Thursday
15th It was a vary rainy day we did
not journey at all this day we stayed at
Mr Gilberts During the day & night