Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 2


Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 2
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    Joseph Smith presided at a Conference held at Quincy Ill on the 6th May 1839 where it was resolved that 15 of the Seventies Names given also 5 High priest accompany the Twelve to Europe only two out of the Twenty fulfilled the mission. May 9th Joseph Smith left Quincy with his family for Commerce Ill. on the 9 May and arrived on the 10th & sleped with his family in a log home nearly all of the ...
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    On the 22nd day of July 1839, Joseph the prophet having been sick for several days, & his home & door yard containg many of the sick saints who had been driven from Missouri. Joseph rose from his bed with the power of God resting upon him and he took the sick by the hand & in a loud voice commanded them in the Name of Jesus Christ to arise & be made whole & he healed all that were in his house & around about he ...
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    to the ferry to return to Nauvoo, a Gentile came to him & asked him if he would not go out into the country some two miles & heal a pair of Twinn Children about 3 months old both of which were vary sick. He said I cannot go but I will send a man, who will do just as well. He Turned The prophet turned to me & said you go with this man & teach him & his houshold the principles of faith in Christ then lay your hands ...
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    London Oct 18, 1840, Sunday G. A. Smith & myself met at Father Cornors & held three meetings through the day and evening we red in the Book of Mormon, broke bread to the Saints. I felt the Spirit of God bare testimony to me that there would be a great work in London We retired to rest in good season. I felt well in my mind and slept untill about 12 oclok at night I awoke and ...
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    difficulty the same power of the Destroyer had been seeking his life as well as my own, and he was delivered in the same way. the three personages that appeared unto me one was a tall man I shoude think over sisx feet the other m[i]dd[l]e one was another man was medium size & the 3rd was a short man they we[r]e all clothed alike Neither of them spoke a word to my hearing but as soon as they laid hands upon my head & I was delivered they disappeared, I ...
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    to peaces & the glass flew among the Congregation And the man who had tended the gass in the Hall said for twenty years said he had never known any [wei[r]der] of the kind. the chimneys were replaced & the discussions went on I set by the side of Doctor W Richards, and at the commencement of the meeting a very interesting old gentleman appeared in the congrega -tion he sat at the end of a seat joing the ally near the platform, He made me think of what he s is said of the
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    Autobiography of Wilford Woodruff The remaining months of the year 1841 was spent by the Twelve, after their return from this successful mission in G to Great Britain, in settling their families in Nauvoo and taking charge of the affairs of the affairs Church. Several noteworthy events took place at this time among which were the dedication of the baptismal font in the Temple by the Prophet and the Twelve and the first adminis- trations of the ordinance of ...
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    baptism for the dead, both of which occurred on Sunday Nov 21st, 1841. A large congregation assembled and Elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and John Taylor baptized about forty and persons and Elders Willard Richards, George A Smith and Wilford Woodruff confirmed them. During the following week a company of about 200 Saints arrived from England, and I was now again in the midst of hundreds whom I had baptized in America ...
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    Just before the April Conference the Prophet administered the ordinance of rebaptism to the Church, baptizing many himself, among whom were the Twelve, who afterwards assisted him in baptizing and confirming the multitude. This was the first time I was rebaptized. At since my [ent] the Prophet Joseph administered the close of the administration the Prophet lifted up his hands to heaven and blessed the people and the Spirit of ...
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    God rested upon the congregation At the April Conference there were 275 ordained to the office ^under the hands^ of Elders, Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, Orson Pratt, Lyman Wight, Willard Richards, George A Smith and Wilford Woodruff. offi While these ordinations were going on Elder John Taylor was in the stand delivering a discourse to the multitude, while others of the Elders were baptizing and confirming at the
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    On the 23 of July I started for St Louis to purchase a stock of paper for the "Times & Seasons" and arrived at St Louis on the 2nd of August after a very uncomfortable voyage during which I took a very severe cold which settled into bilious fever. See book marks 3 ...