[FIGURE] I called at Brother Mussers at 10 oclok &
met with Doctors Bernhisel & Anderson & others also
Elder Orson Hyde who had met to have his toe next to
the great toe taken off on his right foot He took some
Brandy & cloriform his toe was taken off at the 2nd
Joint I then went to the Legislature & spent the forenoon
~ Wednesday
20. Mrs W was sick through the day I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & wrote a letter to I F Carter
~ Thursday
21. I spent the forenoon in the Legislature I had an
interview with Mr E Woodruff Agent for the
firm of Brown, Whitman, & Winslow, whole sale Dry goods
15 & 17, Randolph St Chicago. He was of the Family of Long Island Woodruff. I Attended a party at Jane Blackhurst ^12 & presidency was there^
~ Friday
22nd I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & wrote
two letters to George Nebeker & Osborn B Shaw I
spent the afternoon at home Brothers Beaty & Snow
took supper with me. In conversation at the feast of Sister Blackhurst Brother Joseph B. Nobles said
that he performed the first Marriage Cerriemony accor-
ding to the Patriarchal order of Marriage ever per-
formed in this dispensation By sealing Eliza Beman
to Joseph Smith on the 6 day of May 1841.
25 I received a letter from Wilford & Emily they had
a daughter Born sunday Morning at 10 oclok Jan 10th 1869 I spent the forenoon in the Legislative Council I
presented two Bills on Mechanics Lein & Interest on Money
~ Tuesday
Jan 19, 1869
FIGURES I called at Brother Mussers at 10 oclok &
met with Doctors Bernhisel & Anderson & others also
Elder Orson Hyde who had met to have his toe next to
the great toe taken off on his right foot He took some
Brandy & cloriform his toe was taken off at the 2nd
Joint I then went to the Legislature & spent the forenoon
~ Wednesday
20. Mrs W was sick through the day I spent the forenoon
[FIGURE] in the Legislature & wrote a letter to I F Carter
~ Thursday
21. I spent the forenoon in the Legislature I had an
interview with Mr E Woodruff Agent for the
firm of Brown, Whitman, & Winslow, whole sale Dry goods
15 & 17, Randolph St Chicago. He was of the Family of
Long Island Woodruff. I Attended a party at Jane Blackhurst12 & presidency was there
~ Friday
22nd [FIGURE] I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & wrote
two letters to George Nebeker & Osborn B Shaw I
spent the afternoon at home Brothers Beaty & Snow
took supper with me. In conversation at the feast of
FIGURES Sister Blackhurst Brother Joseph B. Nobles said
that he performed the first Marriage Ceremony according to the Patriarchal order of Marriage ever performed in this dispensation By sealing Eliza Beman
to Joseph Smith on the 6 day of May 1841.
24. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
attended Meeting at the TabernacleE. D. Woolley Prayed
Francis Marrian Lyman spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon
O Pratt spoke one hour & 5 minutes upon the first principles
of the gospel we had a full house I met with the Twelve for
prayer then went down to my farm & Back 4 miles
~ Monday
25 [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wilford & Emily they had
a daughter Born sunday Morning at 10 oclok Jan 10th 1869
[FIGURE] I spent the forenoon in the Legislative Council I
presented two Bills on Mechanics Lein & Interest on Money
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 19, 1869 - January 25, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ADmz