I Bought a swarm of Bees to day from Brother Roberts
in the Longstroth Hive I paid $35 for it I made a Bee House for it
~ Saturday
it9. I attended the school of the Prophets J. F. Smith W. Woodruff Joseph Y[ou]ng & D. H. Wells, spoke I received 2 letters from Wilford & Phebe Wilford spoke of the Presidents visit with them
~ Sunday
10. Sunday I wrote a letter to Col Joseph Leffel & sent $1
for Alasikeie clover or Bee feed. I met with my Quorum
in the morning, & attended meeting in the TabernacleA H Raleigh spoke
in the forenoon & gave an interesting account of his mission. He
said the American Nation had green Backs on the Brain spiritual-
ism in the Boots & wine & women from Head to foot
Orson Pratt Preached in the Afternoon one Hour & 15 minutes
spoke a good deal upon the Evidence of the Book of Mormon
At the close of the Meeting I met with the 12 for Prayer. I visited
Brother Pettits family & they accompanied me to the 14 ward &
I spoke over an hour
~ Monday
11. I spent most of the day in moving posts pools & Lumber in
my door yard
~ Tuesday
12 I spent most of the day in pruning my vineyard
~ Wednesday
13. I pruned my vineyard some we had a tremendius snow
storm lasted all day and night
~ Thursday
14. Their is 6 inches of snow on the ground to day I spent most of the day writing the Geneoliogy of the families of the
Woodruffs Thompsons, Harts, Carters, & Fabyans. I wrote A Letter to N. C. Mitchell, Publisher of the Illustrated
Bee Journal & A $4 order. I Bought a Family Bible of R. L. Campbell for $3. The Cullom Bill has Been Amended
By Cragen Chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories
& presented to the senate for their Action with several
sections of Additions which is making war upon us, our
religion, & against God. Congress seems determined to make
war upon us & our religion I wrote a Letter to Wilford & Emily David & Brigham sent a letter to Wilford also
~ Friday
15. I spent the day at home writing I wrote a letter to K. P. Kidder
& sent 50 cts for the secrets of Bee keeping at Burlington Vermont I wrote one letter to National Bee Hive Co St Charles Ill
~ Friday
April 8, 1870
I Bought a swarm of Bees to day from Brother Roberts
in the Longstroth Hive I Paid $35 for it I made a Bee House for it
10. Sunday I wrote a letter to Col Joseph Leffet & sent $1
for Alsikie clover or Bee feed. I met with my Quorum
in the morning, & attended meeting in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah TerritoryA H Raleigh spoke
in the forenoon & gave an interesting account of his mission. He
said the American Nation had green Backs on the Brain spiritualism in the Boots & wine & women from Head to foot
Orson Pratt Preached in the Afternoon one Hour & 15 minutes
spoke a good deal upon the Evidence of the Book of Mormon
At the close of the Meeting I met with the 12 for Prayer. I visited
Brother Pettits family & they accompanied me to the 14 ward &
I spok over an hour
~ Monday
11. I spent most of the day in moving posts pools & Lumber in
my door yard
~ Tuesday
12 I spent most of the day in pruning my vineyard
~ Wednesday
13. I pruned my vineyard some we had a tremendius snow
storm lasted all day and night
~ Thursday
14. Their is 6 inches of snow on the ground to day I spent most
[FIGURE] of the day in writing the Geneology of the families of the
Woodruffs Thompsons, Harts, Carters, & Fabyans I wrote
[FIGURE] A Letter to N. C. Mitchell, Publisher of the Illustrated
Bee Journal & A $4 order. I Bought a Family Bible of
R. L. Campbell for $3. The Cullom Bill has Been Amended
By Cragen Chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories
& presented to the senate for their Action with several
sections of Additions which is making war upon us, our
religion & against God. Congress seems determined to make
war upon us & our Religion I wrote a Letter to Wilford & Emily
[FIGURE] David & Brigham sent a letter to Wilford also
~ Friday
15. I spent the day at home writing I wrote a letter to K. P. Kidder
& sent 50 cts for the secrets of Bee keeping at Burlington Vermont
[FIGURE] I wrote one letter to National Bee Hive Co St Charles Ill
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," April 8, 1870 - April 15, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/OY7Y