President Young said a Bishop could not be tryed ownly By a
High Council & the first Presidency. The ownly fault President
Young could find with Brother Johnson was his interlining the
constitution of the cooperation with the words "And the Board" which
He supposed was in the Original if it was left out in the copying the
board should have been consulted but there was No crime or Evil
intended in the matter. He & all the speakers reproved all the accusers
vary strongly. A vote was taken to sustain Brother Johnson which
was Unanimous exept some of his accusers
26. We left Provo at abot 8 oclk arived in S. L. City abot 3 oclk 50 M[iles] I received 2 letters from Sanpete & Provo
~ Thursday
27. I went to my field & sowed By a hand Machine 5 acres
of clover & Herds grass or Timothy & draged it & spent the night
at the farm
~ Friday
28. I roolled my 5 acre lot & took off the remaining corn stuble
& went back to the city
~ Saturday
29. Met at the old Tabernacle to hold a 2 days Meeting. the
first 2 days Meeting ever appointed & held in the city of the
Salt Lake since it was first setteled except our conferences
The Meeting was opened By singing & Prayer By C. W. Penrose
President Y[ou]ng spoke 50 Minutes G. A. Smith 35 Afternoon
Prayer By A CarringtonF. D. Richards spoke 30 M, J Taylor one hour & 10 M. The Deserett eEvening News
contained A correspondence Between Gov Shaver &
Lieut General D. H. Wells. Governor shaffer which
shows the wickedness, pomposity, & Ignorance of Gov J. W. Shaffer
~ Sunday
30. Sunday In company with Brother Beatie & Bishop Hoagland
I called at the House of Brother Mumford & laid hands upon
his daughter who was quite sick. I called upon G. Q. Cannon
to go with me & I found him with one of his own
children in his arms dying but it lived untill 12 oclk & then
died. Conference Met at 130 oclk prayer By W Woodruff O Pratt spoke 59 M[inutes], A Carrington spoke 20, J. F. Smith 19
Afternoon Prayer By J TaylorG A Smith spoke 43 M.
President Young said a Bishop could not be tryed ownly By a
High Council & the first Presidency. The ownly fault President
Young could find with Brother Johnson was his interlining the
constitution of the cooperation with the words "And the Board" which
He supposed was in the Original if it was left out in the copying the
board should have been consulted but there was No crime or Evil
intended in the matter. He & all the speakers reproved all the accusers
vary strongly. A vote was taken to sustain Brother Johnson which
was Unanimous except some of his accusers
26. We left Provo at abot 8 oclk arived in S. L. City abot 3 oclk, 50 Miles
[FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Sanpete & Provo
~ Thursday
27. I went to my field & sowed By a hand Machine 5 acres
of Clover & Herds grass or Timothy & draged it & spent the night
at the farm
~ Friday
28. I rolled my 5 acre lot & took off the remaining corn stuble
& went back to the City
~ Saturday
29. Met at the old Tabernacle to hold a 2 days Meeting. the
first 2 days Meeting Ever appointed & held in the City of the
Salt Lake since it was first setteled except our Conferences.
The Meeting was opened By singing & Prayer By C. W. Penrose
President Young spoke 50 Minutes G A Smith 35 Afternoon
Prayer By A CarringtonF. D. Richards spoke 30 Minutes
J Taylor one hour & 10 Minutes. The DeserettEvening News
contained A correspondence Between Gov Shaver &
Lieut General D H Wells. Governor shaffer which
shows the wickedness, pomposity, & Ignorance of Gov J. W. Shaffer
~ Sunday
30. Sunday In company with Brother Beatie & Bishop Hoagland
I called at the House of Brother Mumford & laid hands upon
his daughter who was quite sick. I called upon G. Q. Cannon
to go with me & I found him with one of his own
children in his arms dying but it lived untill 12 oclk & then
died. Conference Met at 10 oclk Prayer By W Woodruff
O Pratt spoke 59 Minutes, A Carrington spoke 20 J. F. Smith 19
Afternoon Prayer By J TaylorG A Smith spoke 43 Minutes.
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 25, 1870 - October 30, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,