I was quite unwell this morning But I went to the Endowm[en]t
House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 54 D H Wells sealed 31 couple &
W Woodruff sealed 28 couple total 59. I spent the Evening at Br Pettits
30. I wrote 5 letters to Orange Judd, sent $1 for the Hunter
& Trapper. To Alden & True 25 cts for a paper called Bright Side
To Southwick & Hastings 25 for Jacobs family sharpner. To Ozem
T Woodruff & George Woodruff of Onondagua N Y it rained
Hard & snowed nearly all day, it was vary cold
~ Friday
Oc3t 1. I spent the day at the farm the mountains & Hills were all
covered with snow David was in the mountains with his team
on the way for coal but He started home in the morning & traveled
all day through the snow & mud
~ Saturday
2nd. I traveled from the farm to the city2twice Emmas child
was quite sick. We received in our goods at the fair to
day we had many visiters arived in the city
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Prayer By O. Pratt, Platt
Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes], Oce Olson spoke 32 M[inutes], G. B. Walace
spoke 22 M[inutes]. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke 70 Minutes
upon the subject of Polygamy Before a large congregation
among the number was aseveral Members of Congress &
other visitors. The Vise President of the United States [FIGURE]Schyler Colfax with quite a party several Members
of Congress Mr Ordway Sargent at Armes of the House of Represent-
atives & many others arived in the city at abot 5 ocolk & stoped
at the Townsend House they Attended Meeting in the Evening at
the 14 ward & I Preached the gospel to them for one hour
~ Monday
Sept 27th 1869
I was quite unwell this morning But I went to the Endowment
House we gave Endowments to 54 D H Wells sealed 31 couple &
W Woodruff sealed 28 couple total 59. I spent the Evening at Br Pettits
30. FIGURES I wrote 5 letters to Orange Judd, sent $1 for the Hunter
& Trapper. To Alden & True 25 cts for a paper called Bright Side
To Southwick & Hastings 25 for Jacobs family sharpner. To Ozem
T Woodruff & George Woodruff of Onondagoa NY it rained
Hard & snowed nearly all day, it was vary cold
~ Friday
Oct 1. I spent the day at the farm the mountains & Hills were all
covered with snow David was in the mountains with his team
on the way for coal but He started home in the morning & traveled
all day through the snow & mud
~ Saturday
2nd. I traveled from the farm to the citytwice Emmas child
was quite sick, we received in our goods at the fair to
day we had many visiters arived in the City
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Prayer By O. Pratt, Platt
Lyman spoke 30 Minutes Oce Olson spoke 32 Minutes G. B. Walace
spoke 22 Minutes Afternoon O. Pratt spoke 70 Minutes
upon the Subject of Polygamy Before a large congregation
among the number wasseveral Members of Congress &
others visitors. The Vise President of the United States
[FIGURE] Schyler Colfax with quite a party several Members
of Congress Mr Ordway Sargent at Armes of the House of Representatives & many others arived in the City at abot 5 oclk & stoped
at the Townsend House they Attended Meeting in the Evening at
the 14 ward & I Preached the gospel to them for one hour
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 27, 1869 - October 3, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kRR6