B. Young Jr spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon A Carrington
spoke 27 Minutes & President Young spoke 275 minutes He said that the word Gentiles did not apply to
Every body out of the Church it applyed to those who
were rebellious against God & his gospel there were
many honorable men of the Earth who were not in the
Church it did not apply to. I met in the Evening for prayer
with the Presidency & Twelve My Son Wilford & his
wife Emily Jane arived home yesterday on a visit
from the Muddy, they took supper with us & Elias
Smith & wife & H S Beatie & wife. We set apart
A Carrington & Jesse N Smith to their Mission BPresid[en]t Young & D H Wells being Mouth Carrington
to Preside in Europe & J. N. Smith in Scandin-
avia I spent the Evening in writing my Journal. I gave
Wilford means to pay for coal to live [on] during the
~ Monday
17. President Young & the Twelve started for a preaching tour
to LoganCash valley this morning I rode in company [w]ith David Day & G. Q. Cannon we broke our cross bar & iron of the
Tongue before we got out of town & it took till Noon before we
got it mended the President & others went to Farmington to hold a
Meeting President Young G. A. SmithJoseph F Smith & A. M. Musser
addressed the meeting we did not stop untill we got to kays ward
we arived there 3:30 oclock & stoped with Brother Barns & dined
then attended Meeting at the Meeting house, had a full House
Prayer By G Q Cannon He also spoke 30 minutes, W. Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes], G. A. Smith 25 President Young 30. 22 Miles
~ Tuesday
18 We then drove to Ogden Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok. 18 M[iles]
W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F. Smith spoke 65 M[inutes]. upon the
subject of Tithing. W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes Afternoon
Prayer By G Q CannonG. A. Smith spoke one Hour & 11 M[inutes].
G Q Cannon 48 m[inutes]. I spent the night with Brother Farr
~ Wednesday
19. Met at 10 oclok A. M. Musser Prayed & spoke 55 Minutes
President Young spoke 35 M[inutes].
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 43 M[inutes], John Taylor 35 M[inutes]
Aug 16 1868
B. Young Jr spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon A Carrington
spoke 27 Minutes & President Young spoke 25 minutes
[FIGURE] He said that the word Gentiles did not apply to
Every body out of the Church it applyed to those who
were rebellious against God & his gospel there were
many honorable men of the Earth who were not in the
Church it did not apply to. I met in the Evening for prayer
with the Presidency & Twelve My Son Wilford & his
wife Emily Jane arived home yesterday on a visit
from the Muddy, they took Supper with us & Elias
Smith & wife & H S Beatie & wife. We set apart
A Carrington & Jesse N Smith to their Mission
President Young & D H Wells being Mouth Carrington
to Preside in Europe & J. N. Smith in Scandinavia I spent the Evening in writing my Journal. I gave
Wilford means to pay for coal to live on during the
~ Monday
17. President Young & the Twelve started for a preaching tour
to LoganCash valley this morning I rode in company with
David Day & G. Q. Cannon we broke our Cross bar & iron of the
Tongue before we got out of town & it took till Noon before we
got it mended the President & others went to Farmington to hold a
Meeting President Young G. A. SmithJoseph F Smith & A. M. Musser
addressed the meeting we did not Stop untill we got to kays ward
we arived there 3:30 oclock & stoped with Brother Barns & dined
then attended Meeting at the Meeting house, had a full House
Prayer By G Q Cannon He also spoke 30 minutes, W. Woodruff
spoke 20 Minutes, G. A. Smith 25 President Young 30. 22 Miles
~ Tuesday
18 We drove to Ogden Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok. 18 Miles
W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F. Smith spoke 65 Minutes upon the
subject of Tithing. W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes Afternoon
Prayer By G Q CannonG. A. Smith spoke one Hour & 11 Minutes
G Q Cannon 48 minutes. I spent the night with Brother Farr
~ Wednesday
19. Met at 10 oclok A. M. Musser Prayed & spoke 55 Minutes
President Young spoke 35 Minutes,
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 43 Minutes, John Taylor 35 Minutes
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," August 16, 1868 - August 19, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gJkY