it was Hard to put him under the Influence of cloriform
& hard to come out of it Presid[en]t Young came a short time
But his leg was taken off when he got there. It has stoped
raining & cleared up to day I wrote a letter to Wilford
~ Friday
278. I wrote a letter to A. O. Smoot we got a letter from Susan I went to the field with Elias Smith to find the Boundaries
of our land. I found my Farm lay on the west half of North
east quarter of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East
A. O Smoot was on the east half of the North west quarter
of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East
I visited Brother Brown & found him much better than
could possibly have Been expected. I attended the Theater in the evening
~ Saturday
29. I attended the school of the prophets
~ Sunday
30. sunday I attended meeting through the day in the TabernacleJ W.
Crosby spoke in the forenoon 1 Houre& 22 Minutes & gave an account of
his mission &in the South & the state of the country & the people O Hyde spoke in the Afternoon one hour. I met with the Presid[enc]y
& 12 for prayer I preached a funeral sermon at 1 oclok in the
thirteenth Assembly room, & I followed Brother Faust in the
14 ward in the evening
~ Monday
31. I went to the field & made a Bridge & commenced weeding out
my Barley I spent the night at the farm
~ Tuesday
June 1, 1869 To day Is President Brigham Youngs Birthday
He is 68 years old to day I spent the day puling weeds to
day I came home to the city in the evening 6 M[iles]
it was Hard to put him under the Influence of cloriform
& hard to come out of it Presidt Young Came a short time
But his leg was taken off when he got there. It has stoped
Raining & cleared up to day I wrote a letter to Wilford
~ Friday
28. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to A. O. Smoot we got a letter from
[FIGURE] Susan I went to the field with Elias Smith to find the Boundaries
of our land. I found my farm lay on the west half of North
East quarter of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East
A. O Smoot was on the East half of the North west quarter
of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East
I visited Brother Brown & found him much better than
could possibly have Been Expected. I attended the Theater in the Evening
30. sunday I attended meeting through the day in the TabernacleJ W.
Crosby spoke in the forenoon 1 Hour& 22 Minutes & gave an account of
his missionin the South & the state of the country & the people
O Hyde spoke in the Afternoon one hour. I met with the Presidency
& 12 for prayer I preached a funeral sermon at 1 oclok in the
thirteenth Assembly Room, & I followed Brother Faust in the
14 ward in the Evening
~ Monday
31. I went to the field & made a Bridge & commenced weeding out
my Barley I spent the night at the farm
~ Tuesday
June 1, 1869 To day Is President Brigham YoungsBirthday
He is 68 years old to day I spent the day puling weeds to
day I came home to the City in the Evening 6 Miles
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," May 27, 1869 - June 2, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,