I arose nearly sick this morning I spent the forepart of
the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 28 H C Kimball sealed 3. D H Wells sealed 19 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon
but was near sick
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I was sick with a cold & did not attend Meeting Peter Maughn & C C Rich spoke in the forenoon and John
Taylor in the Afternoon. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for
prayer we laid hands upon John Taylor, & President Young set him apart as Probate Judge for Utah County
~ Monday
24. The Legislatoureo of the State of Deserett met at at the State House & adjourned to the City Hall met
in Joint session & Gov Brigham Young delivered his
Message to the Assembly several acts & resolutions
were past we then adjourned. I attended the scho[o]l
of the Prophets In the afternoon President Young requested
the Twelve to Bring in rules & regulations to govern the
school of the Prophets The following Persons presented
rules O. Hyde, L Snow, & W. Woodruff presented 10
commandments. They were all read Before the school I spent the Evening at home & sent 7 Agricultural
reports & wrote 7 letters to the following persons Ezra
CarterShuah C MoultonOzem WoodruffAzmon
WoodruffThompson Woodruff, Luther Scammans
& Aphek L Woodruff & told him my office & how many
wives & children I had. To day is a great day in washington A war Betwen President Johnson & Congress
There is two secretaries of war Stanton & Thomas
Gen Thomas is arested & let out on bail & Congress brought
in a Bill of Impeachment against the President & the
army & People are divided
I arose nearly sick this morning. I spent the forepart of
the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 28
H C Kimball sealed 3. D H Wells sealed 19 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon
but was near sick
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I was sick with a cold & did not attend Meeting
Peter Maughn & C C Rich spoke in the forenoon and John
Taylor in the Afternoon. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for
Prayer we laid hands upon John Taylor, & President Youngset him apart as Probate Judge for Utah County
~ Monday
24. The Legislatore of the State of Deserett met at at the
FIGURES State House & adjourned to the City Hall met
in Joint session & Gov Brigham Young delivered his
Message to the Assembly several acts & resolutions
were past we then adjourned. I attended the school
of the Prophets In the afternoon President Young requested
the Twelve to Bring in rules & regulations to govern the
school of the Prophets. The following Persons presented
rules O. Hyde, L Snow, & W. Woodruff presented 10
commandments. They were all read Before the school
[FIGURE] I spent the Evening at home & sent 7 Agricultural
reports & wrote 7 letters to the following persons Ezra
CarterShuah C MoultonOzem WoodruffAzmon
WoodruffThompson WoodruffLuther Scammans
& Aphek L Woodruff & told him my office & how many
wives & children I had. To day is a great day in washington
[FIGURE] A war Betwen President Johnson & Congress
There is two secretaries of war Stanton & Thomas
Gen Thomas is arested & let out on bail & Congress brought
in a Bill of Impeachment against the President & the
army & People are divided
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," February 22, 1868 - February 28, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/PNQw