The year 1867 is before us. every year grows
more and more important in the great Events of the Last days as we Approach neares and nearer the coming of the Son of Man. The Events of the last days
will be awful for the wicked, and Blessed for the righe-
ous. The Lord hath commenced a controversy with
the Nations and he will never cease untill that consu-
mption decreed will be fulfilled upon all the wicked
what 1867 will bring to pass time must determine. it
will hasten the downfall of our Nation, and Bring distress
upon other Nations. Mr Wade of Ohio has presented
a Bill to Congress Got up by Judges Titos & Drake and Ashly for the overthrow of the Mormons. Capt Hooper
our Delegate to Congress thinks it will pass Congress
but thinks ithe President will vetoe it. Speker Colfax
is connected with them for the destruction of the
Church & kingdom of God from off the Earth.
I will watch those men & see what will be their
End. The Lord will fight the Battles of his saints
and he will destroy thereir Enemies. we may watch
the signs of the times. The Lord will preserve his
Saints and destroy the wicked. The wicked have
sought our destruction from the time Athe Angel of
God delivered into the Hands of Joseph Smith the
Prophet the Plates containing the record of the book
of Mormon. But the Lord Our God has so far preserved
us and will continue unto the End. Our trust is in
Him. I will watch & see what 1867 will bring forth
Let all the Saints be faithful and keep the commands
of God that his blessings may rest upon us. The Lord
hath never deserted his people but hath sustained
them who trust in him. Praise the Lord O my soul
and all that is within me praise his Holy Name, [Psalm 103:1] for
he hath sustained the seed of Abraham and upheld all
of his Anointed. May the Earth spedily be redeemed
that all the righteous may rejoice in the Holy One of Israel
~ Tuesday
Jan 1st 1867
The year 1867 is before us, every year grows
more and more important in the great Events of the
Last days as we Approach nearer and nearer the
coming of the Son of Man. The Events of the last days
will be awful for the wicked, and Blessed for the righteous. The Lord hath commenced a controversy with
the Nations and he will never cease untill that consumption decreed will be fulfilled upon all the wicked
what 1867 will bring to pass time must determine, it
will hasten the downfall of our Nation, and Bring distress
upon other Nations. Mr Wade of Ohio has presented
a Bill to Congress got up by Judges Titus & Drake and
Ashly for the overthrow of the Mormons, Capt Hooper
our Delegate to Congress thinks it will pass Congress
but thinks the President will vetoe it. Speaker Colfax
is connected with them for the destruction of the
Church & kingdom of God from off the Earth.
I will watch those men & see what will be their
End. The Lord will fight the Battles of his saints
and he will destroy their Enemies, we may watch
the signs of the times. The Lord will preserve his
Saints and destroy the wicked. The wicked have
sought our destruction from the timethe Angel of
God delivered into the Hands of Joseph Smith the
Prophet the Plates containing the record of the book
of Mormon. But the Lord Our God has so far preserved
us and will continue unto the End. Our trust is in
Him. I will watch & see what 1867 will bring forth
Let all the Saints be faithful and keep the commands
of God that his blessings may rest upon us. The Lord
hath never deserted his people but hath sustained
them who trust in him. Praise the Lord O my soul
and all that is within me praise his Holy Name, for
he hath sustained the seed of Abraham and upheld all
of his Anointed. May the Earth spedily be redeemed
that all the righteous may rejoice in the Holy One of Israel
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 1, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,