I came to the office this Morning & wrote up my Journal to date feel some better but
weak I went to G Q Cannon residence on Jordon with the Twelve partook
of a feast with him & returned in the evening 5 M[iles]
16. The men thrashed our Barley this Morning 143 Bushels of, the wheat yielded
38 Bushels to the acre & 44 of Barly I spent the night at the farm it rained low
through the night 6 M[iles]
18. I spent the day at home and the evening at the fine farm
~ Sunday
19. Sunday [FIGURES] I met at the Tabernacle at 2 oclok and I amet
with O Prat it was his birth Day was 69 years of age to
day and was his year of Jubitee [Jubilee] in the Church was Baptised on his
birth Day 50 years ago He spoke to the people One hour & 18
Minuts Bore testimony of the Gospel of Christ I spok 5 M[inutes].
Sept 14, 1880
I came to the office this morning and wrote up my Journal to
date felt some better but weak I went to G Q Cannon Residence on
Joodon with the Twelve partook of a feast with him & returned 5 Miles
15, [FIGURE] I wrote 5 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, FarnsworthLot Smith & Peter Neilson In the Afternoon I went to
the farm A machine was set for threshing threshed out what
wheat we had 135 Bushels & 44 Bushels of Barley it rained all night
17 [FIGURE] It rained to day I took up a load of Barley & returned to the City
[FIGURE] I received 4 letters & wrote 4 letters
18, I spent the day at home & Evening at the farm 6 mils
19, Sunday FIGURES I went to the Tabernacle at 2 oclok I met with
Orson Pratt it was his birth day he was 69 years of age
and was his year of Jubilee in the Church was Baptised50 years
ago this day He spoke to the People one hour & 18 Minuts & bore a
strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ W Woodruff spoke 5 Minutes
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