Sept 20 [FIGURE] I received one Letter from Sarah I spent the day at home I heard
that Jonathan Pugmyre Died very sudden on Satturday the 18 eat
his Dinner Well was Dead in few minutes
23 [FIGURES] I received a letter from O Jacobson & wrote
one to him & told him to sell the stock I delivered to
the tithing Office 1385 lbs of Barley at 2 cts $27.70 ^I spent the night at^ the field
~ Friday
24. ^[FIGURE]^ I visited the Church farm on Jordon with the Twelve in the Afternoon
I spent the time in the Afternoon with G. Q. C & J F Smith on committee on the Delinquent tithing
of the Territory I received a letter from J D T. McAllister
~ Saturday
25 I spent the whole day in committee on tithing affairs
27. I spent the Day in committee on the back tithing & donations
of the various Stakes of Zion G Q CJ F Smith & L J Nuttall Dined with me
we held a meeting in the Evening with the committee on the eastern
rail road
~ Tuesday
28 [FIGURE] I rec[eive]d a Letter from Sarah spent the day in committee {shorthand}
Sept 20 [FIGURE] I received 1 Letter I spent the day at home I heard that
Jonathan Pugmyre died vary sudden on Saturday the 18. Eat
his dinner well was dead in 5 minutes
21, [FIGURE] I wrote 3 letters I was informed that John O Angus died to day at 3:25
22rd [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Jesse N Smith & kept a copy
23 FIGURES I received a letter from O Jacobson and wrote one to
[FIGURE] him I delivered at the tithing Office 1385 lb. of Barley at 2 cts pr lb
$27.70 cts I spent the night at the field 6 Mils
24 [FIGURE] I visited the Church farm on Jordon with the
Twelve. I spent the time in the Afternoon with G Q Cannon
& J F Smith in committee on the Delinquent Tithing of
the Terretory I received one letter from McAllister
25 I spent the day in committee on tithing Affairs
26, [FIGURE] Sunday Presidents TaylorCannon & Smith & others
go to Ogden to Dedicate a school house I wrote 3 Letters
27, I spent the day in committee on the Back tithing and
Donations of the various stakes of Zion. George QJoseph F
& L. J. Nuttall Dined with me. We held a Meeting in the
Evening with the committee on the Eastern Rail Road
28. [FIGURE] I received a letter from Sarah spent the day in committee
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