way will be cast up before them, and
they will come to Zion, receive their
endowments, and be crowned under
the hands of the children of ,
and there are persons before me in
this assembly to-day, who will assist
to give them their endowments. They
will receive their blessings and en-
dowments, from under the children of
Ephraim, who are the first fruits of
the kingdom of God in this dispensa-
tion, and the men will have to be or-
dained and receive their Priesthood
and endowments in the land of Zion,
according to the revelations of God.
Again, here is , which is the
tribe of Israel, from whom Jesus
sprang; how many times have I seen
them among the nations of the earth,
standing in their synagogues, even grey-
haired rabbies, with their faces to the
east, calling on the great Eloheim to
open the door for them to go back to
, the land of their fathers,
and to send their shiloh, their king of
deliverance. When I have seen this my
soul has been filled with a desire to
proclaim unto them the word of God
unto eternal life, but I knew I could not
do this, the time had not come, I could
not preach to them. I might have stood
in their midst for a month and preach-
ed unto them Jesus Christ or their
shiloh and king, but I should have
failed to establish one particle of faith
in their minds that he was the true
They do not believe in Jesus Christ;
there is an unbelief resting upon them,
and will until they go home and re-
build Jerusalem and their temple
more glorious than at the beginning,
and then by and by, after this
Church and kingdom has arisen up in
its glory, the Saviour will come to
them and show the wounds in his
hands and side, and they will say to
him, "Where did you get those
wounds?" and he will answer, "In
the house of my friends," and then
their eyes will begin to open, and
they will repent and mourn, they and
their wives apart, and there will be a
fountain opened for uncleanness to the
house of Judah, and they will for the
first time receive Jesus Christ as their
Saviour, they will begin to compre-
hend where they have been wandering
for the space of two thousand years.
You cannot convert a Jew, you may
as well try to convert this house of
solid walls as to convert them into
the faith of Christ. They are set in
their feelings, and they will be until
the time of their redemption. They
are looking forward to the time when
they will go home and rebuild Jerusa-
lem; they have looked for it many
hundreds of years, they are looking
for the coming of their king, and they
do not suppose for a moment that he
has already come, but they are looking
for him to come as the Lion of the
tribe of Judah, not as a lamb led to
the slaughter, and as a sheep that is
dumb before his shearers; they are
looking for him to come with power
and great glory.
I thank God that the day is at
hand when the Jews will be restored.
I have felt to pray for them; I feel
interested in their behalf, for they are
of the seed of and a branch
of the house of Israel, and the pro-
mises of God still remain with them.
It is true they fell through unbelief,
and the kingdom was taken from them
and given to the Gentiles, and when
it came from them, it came clothed
with all its gifts, powers, and glory,
Priesthood and ordinances which
were necessary for the salvation of
men, and to prepare them to dwell in
the presence of the Gods; and when
the kingdom was given to the Gen-
tiles, they for a while brought forth
the natural fruits of the kingdom.
But they, like the Jews, have fallen
through the same example of unbelief,
and now, in the last days, the king-
dom of God has to be taken from the
Gentiles, and restored back to every
way will be cast up before them, and
they will come to Zion, receive their
endowments, and be crowned under
the hands of the children of Ephraim,
and there are persons before me in
this assembly to-day, who will assist
to give them their endowments. They
will receive their blessings and endowments, from under the children of
Ephraim, who are the first fruits of
the kingdom of God in this dispensation, and the men will have to be ordained and receive their Priesthood
and endowments in the land of Zion,
according to the revelations of God.
Again, here is Judah, which is the
tribe of Israel, from whom Jesus
sprang; how many time have I seen
them among the nations of the earth,
standing in their synagogues, even greyhaired rabbies, with their faces to the
east, calling on the great Eloheim to
open the door for them to go back to
, the land of their fathers,
and to send their shiloh, their king of
deliverance. When I have seen this my
soul has been filled with a desire to
proclaim unto them the word of God
unto eternal life, but I knew I could not
do this, the time had not come, I could
not preach to them. I might have stood
in their midst for a month and preached unto them Jesus Christ or their
shiloh and king, but I should have
failed to establish one particle of faith
in their minds that he was the true
They do not believe in Jesus Christ;
there is an unbelief resting upon them,
and will until they go home and rebuild Jerusalem and their temple
more glorious than at the beginning,
and then by and by, after this
Church and kingdom has arisen up in
its glory, the Saviour will come to
them and show the wounds in his
hands and side, and they will say to
him, "Where did you get those
wounds?" and he will answer, "In
the house of my friends," and then
their eyes will begin to open, and
they will repent and mourn, they and
their wives apart, and there will be a
fountain opened for uncleanness to the
house of Judah, and they will for the
first time receive Jesus Christ as their
Saviour, they will begin to comprehend where they have been wandering
for the space of two thousand years.
You cannot convert a Jew, you may
as well try to convert this house of
solid walls as to convert them into
the faith of Christ. They are set in
their feelings, and they will be until
the time of their redemption. They
are looking forward to the time when
they will go home and rebuild Jerusalem; they have looked for it many
hundreds of years, they are looking
for the coming of their king, and they
do not suppose for a moment that he
has already come, but they are looking
for him to come as the Lion of the
tribe of Judah, not as a lamb led to
the slaughter, and as a sheep that is
dumb before his shearers; they are
looking for him to come with power
and great glory.
I thank God that the day is at
hand when the Jews will be restored.
I have felt to pray for them; I feel
interested in their behalf, for they are
of the seed of Abraham and a branch
of the house of Israel, and the promises of God still remain with them.
It is true they fell through unbelief,
and the kingdom was taken from them
and given to the Gentiles, and when
it came from them, it came clothed
with all its gifts, powers, and glory,
Priesthood and ordinances which
were necessary for the salvation of
men, and to prepare them to dwell in
the presence of the Gods; and when
the kingdom was given to the Gentiles, they for a while brought forth
the natural fruits of the kingdom.
But they, like the Jews, have fallen
through the same example of unbelief,
and now, in the last days, the kingdom of God has to be taken from the
Gentiles, and restored back to every