see paper apart*
& after one days rest was enabled to attend to my labors again (see paper apart)
Thes I have occupied considerable space in refering to those peculiar circumstances
which have attended me during life. And to sum the matter up it stands about those
I have broaken both legs (one twice in two) both arms, & both ancles ^my breast bone & 3 ribs^ ^my breast bone & 3 ribs^ have been
drowned froze & scalded, & bit with a mad dog, have been in two water wheels under
a full head of water * ^have passed through several severe fits of sickness encountered poison in the worst forms, landed in a pile of rail road ruins have bearly missed the passing bullet^ I have passed through a score of other hair breadth escapes &
Yet the protection & mercy of God has been over me, and my life there from has
been preserved upon the Earth for which blessing I feel to render the gratitude
of my heart to my Heavenly Father praying that the remained of my days may be spent
in his service and the building up of his kingdom *) ^It has appeared mirraculous to me that with all the injuries and broaken bones which I have met with with I have^ not a lame limb about me but have ever since
been enabled to endure the ever since the hardest labour and exposures and journies have ^often^ walked 40, 50 and on one
occasion 60 miles in a day
At an early age my mind began to be ^was^ exercised upon religious subjects. But
I never made a profession of religion untill 1830, being 23 years of age I did not then
join any church ^for the reason that I could not find any^ for the reason body of people or denomination or Church whos
had for their foundation, , tenets, faith or practice, ^agreed with^ the gospel of Jesus Christ or
the ordinances ^&^ gifts & practices which Christ & the Apostles taught & practiced ^in their day^
in there day & generation for the salvation of the children of Man Although the
teachers of the day taught that the faith, gifts, graces, miracles, & ordinances which
the prophets, Savior & the Apostles enjoyed were done away & no longer needed I did
not believe a word of it to be true ownly as they were done away through the unbeliefs
of the children of men I believed the same gifts graces miracles & power would be
manifest the same in one age of the world as in another when God did have a Church
& kingdom upon the Earth, I did not believe that the Church of Christ did exist
upon the Earth in an organized form, but I believed there had been a falling away
from the Apostolic order of things, but that the Church & kingdom of God would be
esstablished upon the Earth in my day & generation and that I should live to see it.
This principle was rivited upon my mind from two causes 1st from the perusal of the
& New Testament with fervent prayer that the Lord would show me what was
right & wrong & lead me in the path of salvation, without any regard to the opinions of man
& the whisperings of the spirit of the Lord unto me for the space of three years did teach ^taught^
me in accordance with the ^written^ word of God that He was about to set up his Church & Kingdom
upon the Earth in the last days ^and that his "righteousness was about to be revealed & his salvation to come forth"^ ^as said the Prophet in his 56 chapter^ And secondly I was taught this principle from my youth
up to manhood by an aged man by the name of who lived in
Ct who was frequently called the old prophet Mason, ^who taught^ who did teach me many things
which are now coming to pass. He prophesied of many of those events which are now take
place. He did not believe that any man upon the Earth in the midst of the Christian Nations
see paper apart*
I have occupied considerable space in refering to those peculiar circumstances
which have attended me during life. And to sum the matter up it stands about those
I have broaken both legs (one twice in two) both arms, & both ancles my breast bone & 3 ribs have been
drowned froze & scalded, & bit with a mad dog, have been in two water wheels under
a full head of water * have passed through several severe fits of sickness encountered poison in the worst forms, landed in a pile of rail road ruins have bearly missed the passing bullet I have passed through a score of other hair breadth escapes &
It has appeared mirraculous to me that with all the injuries and broaken bones which I have met with I have not a lame limb about me but have
been enabled to endure the hardest labour exposures and journies have often walked 40, 50 and on one
occasion 60 miles in a day
At an early age my mind was exercised upon religious subjects. But
I never made a profession of religion untill 1830, I did not then
join any church for the reason that I could not find any denomination whos
doctrin,, faith or practice, agreed with the gospel of Jesus Christ or
the ordinances & gifts which the Apostles taught
Although the
teachers of the day taught that the faith, gifts, graces, miracles, & ordinances which
the prophets, the Apostles enjoyed were done away & no longer needed I did
not believe a word of it to be true ownly as they were done away through the unbeliefs
of the children of men I believed the same gifts graces miracles & power would be
manifest the same in one age of the world as in another when God did have a Church
& kingdom upon the Earth, I did not believe that the did exist
upon the Earth in an organized form, but I believed there had been a falling away
from the Apostolic order, but that the Church & kingdom of God would be
esstablished upon the Earth in my day and that I should live to see it.
This principle was rivited upon my mind from two causes 1st from the perusal of the
Old & New Testament with fervent prayer that the Lord would show me what was
right & wrong & lead me in the path of salvation, without any regard to the opinions of man
& the whisperings of the spirit of the Lord unto me for the space of three years taught
me in accordance with the written word of God that He was about to set up his Church & Kingdom
upon the Earth in the last days and that his "righteousness was about to be revealed & his salvation to come forth" And secondly I was taught this principle from my youth
to manhood by an aged man by the name of who lived in
Ct who was frequently called the old prophet Mason, who taught me many things
which are now coming to pass.
He did not believe that any man upon the Earth