read before the meeting a communication to the St Louise
Republicnan showing them How they are receiving there rew-
ard for there persecution of the Saints. All the people were
ripe for the organization of a State Government, the Heavens
the Earth, the Holy Spirit, & the people were all ready for
this work AOur Fathers who made the declaration of
independance and formed the American Constitution was
inspired to lay the foundation of a Free and independant Govern[men]t
and the Lord protected them in it. But they did not know that
they were inspired to do it there was a veil over them that
they did not know what the purposes of the Lord were or that
he was protecting them it is not so with us we know that
God is leading us and is inspiring his people to Esstablish
his Kingdom & Government upon the Earth & we know it
This convention was dismissed by prayer By H. C. Kimball
~ Tuesday
7 I had a two hours job this morning in driving 2 large fat
Hogs 1 mile to the slaughter House they were killed in the
Evening. One Black Berkshire Hog weighed 506 lbs
One white Hog weighed 436lbs
[Total] 942 lbs
~ Wednesday
8 I met in the Joint assembly of the Legislature
The subject of the direct tax was taken and discusses but no
action taken upon it I salted down my pork in the Evening & morning
~ Thursday
9th A strong south wind all night snow most all gone
this morning I spent the afternoon in the Legislature and
the Evening at the Historians office.
~ Friday
10th A windey morning I spent a part of the day in the Legislature
12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Joseph Young spoke in the morning
& Brother Jackman and President Young spoke in the afternoon
I attended meeting in the 14 ward assembly rooms E. T. Benson
Preached to the people followed By C. W. West & W. Woodruff we
had a good meeting
~ Monday
13 I spent the day in the Legislature untill candle light we
passed th long compilation act. I spent the Evening at the H Office
Read before the meeting a communication to the St Louise
Republican showing them How they are receiving there reward for there persecution of the Saints. All the people were
ripe for the organization of a State Government, the Heavens
the Earth, the Holy Spirit, & the people were all ready for
this workOur Fathers who made the declaration of
independance and formed the American Constitution was
inspired to lay the foundation of a Free and independant Government
and the Lord protected them in it. But they did not know that
they were inspired to do it there was a veil over them that
they did not know what the purposes of the Lord were or that
he was protecting them it is not so with us we know that
God is leading us and is inspiring his people to Esstablish
his Kingdom & Government upon the Earth & we know it
This convention was dismissed by prayer By H. C. Kimball
~ Tuesday
7 I had a two hours job this morning in driving 2 large fat
Hogs 1 mile to the slaughter House they were killed in the
Evening. One Black Berkshire Hog weighed 506 lbs
One white Hog weighed 436lbs942 lbs
~ Wednesday
8 I met in the Joint assembly of the Legislature
The subject of the direct tax was taken and discusses but no
action taken upon it. I salted down my pork in the Evening & morning
~ Thursday
9th A strong south wind all night snow most all gone
this morning I spent the afternoon in the Legislature and
the Evening at the Historians office.
~ Friday
10th A windey morning I spent a part of the day in the Legislature
~ Saturday
11 I met with the Legislature to day
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Joseph Young spoke in the morning
& Brother Jackman and President Young spoke in the afternoon
I attended meeting in the 14 ward assembly rooms E. T. Benson
Preached to the people followed By C. W. West & W. Woodruff we
had a good meeting
~ Monday
13 I spent the day in the Legislature untill candle light we
passed long compilation acts. I spent the Evening at the
H Office
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 6, 1862 - January 13, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,