The preachers & members of the Frooms Hill circuit of the United Brethren met at the house of Elder John Cheese on
Stanly Hill Herefordshire England June 21st AD 1840
at 10 oclock AM according to previous notice, when the meeting
was called to order by Elder Thomas Kington & Elder
Willford Woodruff was chosen president & Elder John
Benbow clerk of the meeting.
After prayer by Elder Richards, & remarks by the president
concerning the business of the day it was
Moved by Elder Kington seconded by Elder Benbow that
this meeting be hereafter known by the name of the Frooms
Hill conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints organized & esstablished by the will & comandment
of God in the United States of America on the 6th Day of April
A.D. 1830. This being the 15th Day of the third month of the
eleventh year of the rise of the Church. Carried unanimously
Minutes of A Conference held at Standly HillCastle
Froome Herefordshire England on the 21st June AD 1840
The Preachers & members of the Frooms Hill Circuit of the
United Brethren met at the house of Elder John Cheese on
Stanly Hill Herefordshire England June 21st AD 1840
at 10 oclock AM according to previous notice, when the meeting
was called to order by Elder Thomas Kington & Elder
Willford Woodruff was chosen President & Elder John
Benbow Clerk of the meeting.
After Prayer by Elder Richards, & remarks by the president
concerning the business of the day it was
Moved by Elder Kington seconded by Elder Benbow that
this meeting be hereafter known by the name of the Frooms
Hill Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Organized & esstablished by the will & Comandment
of God in the United States of America on the 6th Day of April
A.D. 1830. This being the 15th Day of the third month of the
eleventh year of the rise of the Church. Carried Unanimously
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 21, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,