25th I purchased a number of articles to take to my
family, such as 1 gal oysters, crackers, oranges, lemons
shugar, &c. took cars at Boston rode to Saco called at Luthers, from thence to Scarborough, found my wife & two children with Sister Foss. it was a happy
meeting. I found Phebe Amelia much better than
she had been for she had been sick nigh unto death
but had began to recover. I walked over to Father Carters & spent a few hours with the family. Father
& Fabyan went over with me to sister Foss & spent
the evening. I spent the night with sister Foss
fare $3.75 100 miles
~ Saturday
26th I wrote a letter to Br & Sister Moulton &
spent the day at sister FossPhebe seemed some
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I spent the day at sister Foss with my
family & Father & Mother CarterPhebe Amelia
seemed to gain strength
~ Monday
28th A cold day Phebe Amelia was better through
the day than she had been eat harty in the evening
she was taken with a relaps of the fever & the flem
seemed to almost fill her lungs she had a sick
~ Tuesday
29th A hard rainy morning I went after Rhoda
Carter to come & assist giving medicine to our child
who was vary sick. they commenced in the morning [FIGURE] & it was with the greatest difficulty we could get
medicine into her or to get it to operate. at last her emetics
& injections operated powerfully & she had the sickest
day she ever had in her life she lay for 6 hours like a
dead person, she came to in the evening & rested well
~ Wednesday
30th I went to the beach in the morning got a few small
Hen clams, come home & eat them. Phebe is some better
to day but vary feble we recived a paper from Ilus. I wrote
him a letter
~ Friday
25th I purchased a number of articles to take to my
family, such as 1 gal oysters, crackers, oranges, lemons
shugar, &c. took cars at Boston rode to Saco called at
Luthers, from thence to Scarborough, found my
wife & two children with Sister Foss. it was a happy
meeting. I found Phebe Amelia much better than
she had been for she had been sick nigh unto death
but had began to recover. I walked over to Father
Carters & spent a few hours with the family. Father
& Fabyan went over with me to sister Foss & spent
the evening. I spent the night with sister Foss
fare $3.75 100 miles
~ Saturday
26th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Br & Sister Moulton &
spent the day at sister FossPhebe seemed some
28th A cold day. Phebe Amelia was better through
the day than she had been eat harty in the evening
she was taken with a relaps of the fever & the flem
seemed to almost fill her lungs she had a sick
~ Tuesday
29th A hard rainy morning I went after Rhoda
Carter to come & assist giving medicine to our child
who was vary sick. they commenced in the morning
[FIGURE] & it was with the greatest difficulty we could get
medicine into her or to get it to operate. at last her emeties
& injections operated powerfully & she had the sickest
day she ever had in her life she lay for 6 hours like a
dead person, she came to in the evening & rested well
~ Wednesday
30th [FIGURE] I went to the beach in the morning got a few small
Hen clams. come home & eat them. Phebe is some better
to day but vary feble we recived a paper from Ilus. I wrote
him a letter
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," October 25, 1844 - October 30, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yW7