over his children & his wife in wrighteousnes
then he will be capable of Presiding over a
branch of the Church but many Elders are
contending about presiding over churches, when
they are not capable of presiding over themselve
or the least child I have they have.
Again the first Principle of our cause & work is to
understand that their is a prophet in the Church
& that he is at the head of the Church on Earth. who
called Joseph Smith to be a prophet? Did the people
or God. God & not the people called him, had the
people gatherd together & appointed one of their
number to be a Prophet He would have been
accountable to the people but inasmuch as he
was called of God & not the people he is accountab[le]
to God & the Angel that committed the Gospel
to him & not to any man on earth. The Twelve
are accountable to the Prophet & his council
& not to the Church for the course they persue
& we have learned to go & do as the Prophet
tells us to do
~ Sunday
30th Sunday six of the quorum of the Twelve
met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh
with the Saints. Elder G. A. Smith opened the
meeting by prayer Elder W. Woodruff
Addressed the people bore testimony of the work
& spoke the things that were given by the
Spirit of God, among other things said that
the Church of God was organized with
Prophets & Apostles, but what is the use of
Prophets & Apostles if their is not to be revelations
given & work for the apostles to do they certainly
are not needed, if the work of Prophets &
Apostles are not to be received, but the vary Idie
of those offices exhisteding is a proof of revelation & gifts &c
over his children & his wife in wrighteousnes
then he will be capable of Presiding over a
branch of the Church but many Elders are
contending about presiding over Churches when
they are not capable of presiding over themselve
or the least child they have.
Again the first Principle of our cause & work is to
understand that their is a prophet in the Church
& that he is at the head of the Church on Earth. who
called Joseph Smith to be a prophet? Did the people
or God. God & not the people called him, had the
people gatherd together & appointed one of their
number to be a Prophet he would have been
accountable to the people but inasmuch as he
was called of God & not the people he is accountable
to God & the Angel that committed the Gospel
to him & not to any man on earth. The Twelve
are accountable to the Prophet & his council
& not to the Church for the course they persue
& we have learned to go & do as the Prophet
tells us to do
~ Sunday
30th Sunday six of the quorum of the Twelve
met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh
with the Saints. Elder G. A. Smith opened the
meeting by prayer Elder W. Woodruff
addressed the people bore testimony of the work
& spoke the things that were given by the
Spirit of God, among other things said that
the Church of God was organized with
Prophets & Apostles, but what is the use of
Prophets & Apostles if their is not to be revelations
given & work for the apostles to do they certainly
are not needed, if the work of Prophets &
Apostles are not to be received, but the vary Idie
of those offices exhisteding is a proof of Revelation & gifts &c
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," July 29, 1843 - July 30, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BEo