Mrs Woodruff informing me of the birth of
a daughter 17 days after I left home the babe not
3 days old when I left home, mother & child doing
well I was truly glad to hear from home I dined with
Br Ilus Carter I wrote a letter in answer to Mrs
Woodruff & attended meeting with the Saints
& spent the night with Br Foster
~ Friday
25th I attended Baptism in the morning & Bathed
in the sea spent the day visiting the Saints attended
meeting in the evening at the Hall spent the night
with Br Foster
I wrote a letter to Elder J Taylor sent for papers
~ Saturday
26th Aug 1843 The quorum of the Twelve
met with the Saints in New York in conference
meeting opened by prayer President Young
arose & addressed the meeting in an interesting
manner upon the subject of the gathering, the
Building of the Nauvoo House & Temple. He spoke
of the Priesthood & said that it was a perfect
system of goverment and made many useful
In the afternoon the conference again
met Prayr By Elder Page the meeting was addressed
by Elder Kimball, spoke in parables, gather in the
wheat and tares thrash the wheat & the mill will
blow away the chaff &c Said an Elder would
get a people together & could get the priest &
people to receive the work if they did not whip
the sect so like a shepherd who would call up a
buck & a flock of sheep & hand them a little salt
& Just as they begin to eat hit him with a club
across the head & the sheep will run away.
Elder G. A. Smith followed & bore testimony of the
work told several anecdotes one from Lyman Wight
Mrs Woodruff informing me of the birth of
a daughter 17 days after I left home the babe not
3 days old when I left home, mother & child doing [FIGURE]
well I was truly glad to hear from home I dined with
Br Ilus Carter I [FIGURE] wrote a letter in answer to Mrs
Woodruff & attended meeting with the Saints
& spent the night with Br Foster
~ Friday
25th I attended baptism in the morning & bathed
in the sea spent the day visiting the Saints attended
meeting in the evening at the Hall spent the night
with Br Foster
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Elder J Taylor sent for papers
~ Sunday
26th Aug 1843 The quorum of the Twelve
met with the Saints in New York in conference
meeting opened by prayer President Young
arose & addressed the meeting in an interesting
manner upon the subject of the gathering, the
building of the Nauvoo House & Temple. He spoke
of the Priesthood & said that it was a perfect
system of goverment and made many useful
In the afternoon the conference again
met Prayr By Elder Page the meeting was addressed
by Elder Kimball, spoke in parables, gather in the
wheat and tares thrash the wheat & the mill will
blow away the chaff &c Said an Elder would
get a people together & could get the priest &
people to receive the work if they did not whip
the sect so like a shepherd who would call up a
buck & a flock of sheep & hand them a little salt
& Just as they begin to eat hit him with a club
across the head & the sheep will run away.
Elder G. A. Smith followed & bore testimony of the
work told several anecdotes one from Lyman Wight
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 24, 1843 - August 26, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025,