Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this which ye
now see and hear. Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly
that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified, both Lord
and Christ". Now when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts
and said unto and to the rest of the Apostles "Men and Brethren
what shall we do?" Not until this moment did they believe in Christ as
the Savior of the world. Though all His wonderful works had been per-
formed in their midst, yet not until the story of His life, His terrible
death, His glorious resurrection, and the wonderful out-pouring of the
Holy Ghost now so magnificently manifested before their eyes, did faith
spring forth in their hearts, and a desire to be partakers of the
heavenly gift caused them to plead with the Apostles, "Oh what shall we
do!" [Acts 2:14-37] This faith is the main-spring of all action, a mighty moving power.
By it , and performed their wonderful works; the chil-
dren of Israel passed through the , the walls of fell, the
Harlot perished not; , , and others of the prop-
hets subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises and
stopped the mouths of lions. The Apostle understood the wonderful
power of faith when he said, Heb. XI, 6th, "But without faith it is im-
possible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He
is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." This
verse is self explanatory. If we did not know that God lives and will
reaward those that diligently seek Him, we would not seek Him at all.
The 3rd verse reads:"Through faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God." So then, not only could the wonderful works
before recounted be performed by the old worthies, but even worlds could
be framed when necessary through the faith that was in God who created
them. But will faith alone accomplish the salvation of the souls of
man? As opinions differ, and he who risks his soul's salvation upon the
uncertainties of men's opinions has but a vain hope of being led aright,
let the Scriptures answer the question. James 2nd ch. 14-26. This de-
claration of the great Apostle seems to set at rest for all time the
theory that faith alone is sufficient to save mankind. In closing his
speech, he very forcibly states that "As the body without the spirit is
dead, so faith without works is dead also." Shall we not say then, that
works are necessary, and if so what are those works? Again let the
Scriptures tell the tale. Math. 3, 2nd "In those days came the
Baptist—saying, Repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, (Mark 1, 15th.)
"And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand;
repent ye, and believe the Gospel." Mark 6, 12th, "And they (the Apostles)
went out, and preached that men whould repent." Jesus was evidently
determined that there should be no mistake upon this matter when He said,
(Luke 13, 3-5) "I tell you nay; but except ye repent, ye shall all like-
wise perish. Or those eighteen upon twhom the tower in Siloam fell and
slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwell at
? I tell you NAY; but except ye repent, ye shall all like-
wise perish." The word of the Lord to Israel in the days of was
equally positive. (Ezek. 18, 30th) "Therefore I will judge you, Oh House
of Israel, everyone according to his ways, saith the Lord God. Repent
Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this which ye
now see and hear. Therefore let all the House of know assuredly
that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified, both Lord
and Christ". Now when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts
and said unto and to the rest of the Apostles "Men and Brethren
what shall we do?" Not until this moment did they believe in Christ as
the Savior of the world. Though all His wonderful works had been performed in their midst, yet not until the story of His life, His terrible
death, His glorious resurrection, and the wonderful out-pouring of the
Holy Ghost now so magnificently manifested before their eyes, did faith
spring forth in their hearts, and a desire to be partakers of the
heavenly gift caused them to plead with the Apostles, "Oh what shall we
do!" This faith is the main-spring of all action, a mighty moving power.
By it , and performed their wonderful works; the children of Israel passed through the , the walls of fell, the
Harlot perished not; , , and others of the prophets subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises and
stopped the mouths of lions. The Apostle understood the wonderful
power of faith when he said, Heb. XI, 6th, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He
is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." This
verse is self explanatory. If we did not know that God lives and will
reward those that diligently seek Him, we would not seek Him at all.
The 3rd verse reads:"Through faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God." So then, not only could the wonderful works
before recounted be performed by the old worthies, but even worlds could
be framed when necessary through the faith that was in God who created
them. But will faith alone accomplish the salvation of the souls of
man? As opinions differ, and he who risks his soul's salvation upon the
uncertainties of men's opinions has but a vain hope of being led aright,
let the Scriptures answer the question. James 2nd ch. 14-26. This declaration of the great Apostle seems to set at rest for all time the
theory that faith alone is sufficient to save mankind. In closing his
speech, he very forcibly states that "As the body without the spirit is
dead, so faith without works is dead also." Shall we not say then, that
works are necessary, and if so what are those works? Again let the
Scriptures tell the tale. Math. 3, 2nd "In those days came the
Baptist—saying, Repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, (Mark 1, 15th.)
"And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand;
repent ye, and believe the Gospel." Mark 6, 12th, "And they (the Apostles)
went out, and preached that men whould repent." Jesus was evidently
determined that there should be no mistake upon this matter when He said,
(Luke 13, 3-5) "I tell you nay; but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen uponwhom the tower in Siloam fell and
slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwell at
? I tell you NAY; but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." The word of the Lord to Israel in the days of was
equally positive. (Ezek. 18, 30th) "Therefore I will judge you, Oh House
of Israel, everyone according to his ways, saith the Lord God. Repent