It is my intention to attend school in through the comeing winter &
early in the spring I expect to visit you & spend the summer in
you may rely upon the above except some unforeseen circumstances should
deprive me of the privilege which I do not think will be the case. I have much I
would like to say had I room & time. I expect to leave for Kirtland in a
few weeks or immediately after the conference. I was truly glad to hear from
Brothers , Aunt & & others. I wish
to be remembered to Elizabeth, if you see her again & all enquiring friends
I was truly glad to hear from Uncle . I shall write him letter
& I desire to see them all. I am glad Brother Azmon has sold some of his
land & is out of deabt. Give my respects to Sister I desire much to see
her. O Sister Eunice I wish you to walk in virtues paths reject all temptations
incident to youth & be wise & you will recieve a crown of glory.
[upside-down text] It is seldom that I get any letters from my relatives in the East
I would be glad to have you write as often as your health & circum-
stances will permit. I will write you again when I reach Kirtland
whare I shall want my letters Directed. I truly rejoice to find
you so candid in your remarks upon the
I pray the Lord that your understandings may be enlightened so
as to comprehend the light & truth that begins to cause the Saints to
rejoice & will deluge this Earth as the waters cover the great deep it
is light & truth & I think you will say so when you are acq-
uainted with it. I want you to pray in faith before God give
me your prayers you shall have mine {Wilford Woodruff} [end of upside-down text]
[sideways text] O ye despisers & wonder & [p]erish & said a prophet for I work
a work in your days which I will not believe though a man
declare it unto you. This is the case with the majority of this
generation but I thank God thare is exceptions. Wac^t^ch the signs
of the times for will fall in this generation. Israel be gathered
Christ desend in the clouds of heaven to reign with his Saints even so let it be
Litchfield County
, Ten
Septr 1.
Wilford August 25
To Aphek & [end of sideways text]
It is my intention to attend school in through the comeing winter &
early in the spring I expect to visit you & spend the summer in
you may rely upon the above except some unforeseen circumstances should
deprive me of the privilege which I do not think will be the case. I have much I
would like to say had I room & time. I expect to leave for Kirtland in a
few weeks or immediately after the conference. I was truly glad to hear from
Brothers , Aunt & & others. I wish
to be remembered to Elizabeth, if you see her again & all enquiring friends
I was truly glad to hear from Uncle . I shall write him letter
& I desire to see them all. I am glad Brother Azmon has sold some of his
land & is out of deabt. Give my respects to Sister I desire much to see
her. O Sister Eunice I wish you to walk in virtues paths reject all temptations
incident to youth & be wise & you will recieve a crown of glory.
It is seldom that I get any letters from my relatives in the East
I would be glad to have you write as often as your health & circumstances will permit. I will write you again when I reach Kirtland
whare I shall want my letters Directed. I truly rejoice to find
you so candid in your remarks upon the Church of Latter Day Saints
I pray the Lord that your understandings may be enlightened so
as to comprehend the light & truth that begins to cause the Saints to
rejoice & will deluge this Earth as the waters cover the great deep it
is light & truth & I think you will say so when you are acquainted with it. I want you to pray in faith before God give
me your prayers you shall have mine {shorthand} end of upside-down text
sideways text O ye despisers & wonder & perish said a prophet for I work
a work in your days which I will not believe though a man
declare it unto you. This is the case with the majority of this
generation but I thank God thare is exceptions. Watch the signs
of the times for Babylon will fall in this generation. Israel be gathered
Christ desend in the clouds of heaven to reign with his Saints even so let it be
Litchfield County
, Ten
Septr 1.
Wilford August 25
To Aphek & end of sideways text