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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898 |
Collection Description | W. Woodruff letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Woodruff |
Collection Number | MS 1352 |
Collection Box | Box 7 |
Collection Folder | Folder 4 |
Collection Page | 1-4 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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Also my peace is like a river & my my righteousness be like the waves of the Sea allthough persecution of a dark aspect threatens me with a bold front upon my right & left yea scourgeings & death we are threatened with we have to contend with with idolatry, superstition, liings, Prejudice, Priestcraft, & spiritual wickedness in high places yea in places whare I have been preaching the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ & nothing els the County Clerks Sheriff's co^n^stables, Esqrs, Priests of different denominations with drunkerds thiefs murderers manslayers are combined together in the face of all law human or Divine against me & my Brethren with me in the ministry in this country for no other reason but preaching the true gospel of the Son of God & some of them in their blind zeal have falsly sworn things against me the date of which was months before I step'd into the State. But none of these things moove me for I know that my Redeemer lives & while kind heaven sends me breath & a dying people to be warned I will not shun to declare the whole council of God. Perhaps the question may arise in your minds why all this opposition to me & to others belonging the Church of Latter Day Saints if we are the people of God the question Answer is at hand because God hath chosen us out of the world theirfore they hate us as they always have the Saints John XV:19. It is impossible to live godly in Christ [FIGURE] Jesus & not suffer persecution in this generation. Think not that I am Destitute of friends in consequence of speaking of the above I have more than a hundred fold for while persecution rages around us the word of God mu ltiplys the honest in heart enbrace the word of Truth & the little Stone is [pro peted] by the arm of Jehovah & he will soon thunder from his hiding place upon this generation he is my friend I have nothing to fear if faithful
I am called to forsake Parents Brethren Sisters houses lands to go fourth as a lamb among wolfs, to assist in pruning the vineyard for the last time yea to Jews as well as gentile to visit foreign climes & the Islands of Sea to endure the perils of chains, vaults, dungeons, scourgings, & every epithet than^t^ an indignant wicked generation can heap upon my head for the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the spirit of prophecy. With these Eternal truths resting upon my mind I say unto you my Dear friends in the name of Jesus Christ & by the authority of the Priesthood confered upon me that I do not war at uncertainty I do not fight as those that beat the air I know in whohm whom I trust. I was not called by man nor by the will of a man by^u^t by the revelation of Jesus Christ therefore I intreat you to receieve my testimony when I say to one & all of my friends to whom my pen or voice may reach to repent & be Baptized for the remishion of your sins that you may receieve the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of those who are ordained unto that power for this promise is unto you & unto your Children & to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Again I testify that the Church of Christ of Later Day Saints is traveling out of the wilderness & is esstablished upon the foundations of the Ancient Apostles & Prophets Christ Jesus the chief corner Stone yea possessing the gifts & graces that Jesus said should follow the believer she has her Prophets, Apostles, Evangelest, Pastors, Teachers Wisdom knowledge, faith healings, Toungues, interpettations, &c yea Joseph Smith Jr is a true Prophet of the most High God & the word of God is costantly fulfilling that came forth by the mouths of that prophet unto this generation & he will stand Blessed upon this Earth when the hail sweeps away the reffuge of ties that his eniemies have hid th^i^mselfs under as to his bringing forth revelations, to send the poor to Zion & keeping the rich at Kirtland is as fals as the [Alolraran].
I pray the Lord that your understandings may be enlightened so as to comprehend the light & truth that begins to cause the Saints to rejoice & will deluge this Earth as the waters cover the great deep it is light & truth