Again I testify that the is traveling
out of the wilderness & is esstablished upon the foundations of the Ancient
Apostles & Prophets Christ Jesus the chief corner Stone yea possessing
the gifts & graces that Jesus said should follow the believer she has her
Prophets, Apostles, , Pastors, Teachers Wisdom knowledge, faith
healings, , , &c yea is a
true Prophet of the most High God & the word of God is costantly
fulfilling that came forth by the mouths of that prophet unto this
generation & he will stand Blessed upon this Earth when the hail
sweeps away the reffuge of ties that his eniemies have hid th^i^mselfs
under as to his bringing forth revelations, to send the poor to Zion
& keeping the rich at is as fals as the [Alolraran]. You
do not hear but vary little truth respecting him or the Church
what from the report of the Day however respectable the scourse
may appear As it respects what Sister said I have no
knowledge of the case I know not who the person was But admiring
that case to be all true what does it argu[e] it Prooves that he was
out of the way & did evil but that does not Proove the work or
Body to be fals no more than because Denied his Lord should
make Christ a fals Prophet & all the Apostles wolfs in sheeps clothing [Matthew 26:69-75]
As it respects Brother leeving the Church & advising me to do the
same I have ownly to say I wrote him a letter in great plain [page smudged]
the subject & I cleared my garments at that time in so doing I [page smudged]
the cause I have ingaged in is of God it will stand the [^w^reck] of empires [page smudged]
when every other system is destroyed it will stand I have no desire to
deprive Br Azmon the privilege of thinking & doing as he sees fit I certanly
wish him well in all things temporal & spiritual & all other relatives
But O my God must I view the gentiles, my country, Neighbours
& my Kinsman doomed to famin, fire, blood & sword &
not the least exertion make to rescue them from that vortex which
will overtake this generation as in the days of & I say most
I retire in peace from this scenery (which I Know is coming upon the
Earth) with out lifting the warning voice unto my Kinsman as well as
others Let God forbid for I will arise in the strength of God
& combat error with everlasting truth & in the name of Jesus Christ
I will warn this generation to flee out of literally to that
thay may escape her sins & plagues by fleeing unto Zion & stand in holy
places while Judgments work One year shall not roo^l^l over my head
(if God will) before I will stand before you my Parents & other
Kinsman in & proclaim the truth by word of mouth
None knows my sensations & feelings but those in like circumstances
who have seen felt & know by dreams, visions & revelations the [er^c^rtainty]
& nearness of those things that are comeing upon the Earth. I marvel I wonder
while beholding the signs of the times & seeing the blindness of man. My
Parents My Kinsman what motive can I have to try to deceieve you upon
these eternal Events do I not know whereoff I affirm do I not know the reality
of the church of Lateerday Saints better than those who ownly know from report I
do I do not deceieve. I tell the truth. I lie not God bearing witness of it
your Son.
W. Woodruff
Again I testify that the Church of Christ of Later Day Saints is traveling
out of the wilderness & is esstablished upon the foundations of the Ancient
Apostles & Prophets Christ Jesus the chief corner Stone yea possessing
the gifts & graces that Jesus said should follow the believer she has her
Prophets, Apostles, Evangelest, Pastors, Teachers Wisdom knowledge, faith
healings, Toungues, interpettations, &c yea is a
true Prophet of the most High God & the word of God is costantly
fulfilling that came forth by the mouths of that prophet unto this
generation & he will stand Blessed upon this Earth when the hail
sweeps away the reffuge of ties that his eniemies have hid thimselfs
under as to his bringing forth revelations, to send the poor to Zion
& keeping the rich at is as fals as the Alolraran. You
do not hear but vary little truth respecting him or the Church
what from the report of the Day however respectable the scourse
may appear As it respects what Sister said I have no
knowledge of the case I know not who the person was But admiring
that case to be all true what does it argue it Prooves that he was
out of the way & did evil but that does not Proove the work or
Body to be fals no more than because Peter Denied his Lord should
make Christ a fals Prophet & all the Apostles wolfs in sheeps clothing
As it respects Brother leeving the Church & advising me to do the
same I have ownly to say I wrote him a letter in great plain page smudged
the subject & I cleared my garments at that time in so doing I page smudged
the cause I have ingaged in is of God it will stand the wreck of empires page smudged
when every other system is destroyed it will stand I have no desire to
deprive Br Azmon the privilege of thinking & doing as he sees fit I certanly
wish him well in all things temporal & spiritual & all other relatives
But O my God must I view the gentiles, my country, Neighbours
& my Kinsman doomed to famin, fire, blood & sword &
not the least exertion make to rescue them from that vortex which
will overtake this generation as in the days of Lot & Noah I say most
I retire in peace from this scenery (which I Know is coming upon the
Earth) with out lifting the warning voice unto my Kinsman as well as
others Let God forbid for I will arise in the strength of Elijahs God
& combat error with everlasting truth & in the name of Jesus Christ
I will warn this generation to flee out of Babylon literally to that
thay may escape her sins & plagues by fleeing unto Zion & stand in holy
places while Judgments work One year shall not roll over my head
(if God will) before I will stand before you my Parents & other
Kinsman in & proclaim the truth by word of mouth
None knows my sensations & feelings but those in like circumstances
who have seen felt & know by dreams, visions & revelations the ecrtainty
& nearness of those things that are comeing upon the Earth. I marvel I wonder
while beholding the signs of the times & seeing the blindness of man. My
Parents My Kinsman what motive can I have to try to deceieve you upon
these eternal Events do I not know whereoff I affirm do I not know the reality
of the church of Lateerday Saints better than those who ownly know from report I
do I do not deceieve. I tell the truth. I lie not God bearing witness of it
your Son.
W. Woodruff