have sinned in this direction. Show
them, O , their faults and their
errors, that they may see the same in the
light of thy , and repent
truly and sincerely, and cultivate that
spirit of affection and love which thou
art desirous that all the children of men
should entertain one for another, and
which thy Saints, above all others,
should cherish. Enable thy people
hereafter to avoid bitterness and strife,
and to refrain from words and acts in
political discussions that shall create
feeling and grieve thy Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father, when thy people
shall not have the opportunity of enter-
ing this holy house to offer their suppli-
cations unto thee, and they are op-
pressed and in trouble, surrounded by
difficulties or assailed by temptation,
and shall turn their faces towards this
thy holy house and ask thee for deliver-
ance, for help, for thy power to be ex-
tended in their behalf, we beseech thee
to look down from thy holy habitation
in mercy and tender compassion upon
them, and listen to their cries. Or
when the children of thy people, in
years to come, shall be separated,
through any cause, from this place, and
their hearts shall turn in remembrance
of thy promises to this holy ,
and they shall cry unto thee from the
depths of their affliction and sorrow to
extend relief and deliverance to them,
we humbly entreat thee to turn thine ear
in mercy to them; hearken to their cries,
and grant unto them the blessings for
which they ask.
Almighty Father, increase within us
the powers of that faith delivered to
and possessed by thy Saints. Strengthen
us by the memories of the glorious de-
liverances of the past, by the remem-
brance of the sacred covenants that thou
hast made with us, so that, when evil
overshadows us, when trouble encom-
passes us, when we pass through the
valley of humiliation, we may not falter,
may not doubt, but in the strength of
thy holy name may accomplish all thy
righteous purposes with regard to us,
fi[l]l the measure of our creation, and
triumph gloriously, by thy grace, over
every besetting sin, be redeemed from
every evil, and be numbered in the
amongst those who
shall dwell in thy presence forever.
And now, our Father, we bless thee,
we praise thee, we glorify thee, we
worship thee, day by day we magnify
thee, and give thee thanks for thy great
goodness towards us thy children, and
we pray thee, in the name of thy Son
, our Savior, to hear these
our humble petitions, and answer us
from heaven, thy holy dwelling place,
where thou sittest enthroned in glory,
might, majesty, and dominion, and with
an infinitude of power which we, thy
mortal creatures, cannot imagine, much
less comprehend. Amen and Amen.
After the prayer the whole assem-
b[l]a[g]e joined in the holy "," as follows:
"Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, to
God and the Lamb. Amen, Amen,
Amen." This sacred exercise was
accompanied by simultaneous waving
of handkerchiefs by all the people as-
The Hosanna anthem, (composed
for the by )
was sung by the , and, following
directly after it, the assemblage joined
in singing "The Spirit of God like a
Fire is Burning."
Addressed the congregation. His re-
marks were in harmony with the great
occasion. They were not only in
structive, but of such a character as to
afford comfort and consolation to the
Saints, pointing their minds to a
brighter day in the future than they
had ever yet beheld.
spoke words of comfort for the people
of Zion, and uttered a prophecy con-
cerning the future of the people of
have sinned in this direction. Show
them, O , their faults and their
errors, that they may see the same in the
light of thy , and repent
truly and sincerely, and cultivate that
spirit of affection and love which thou
art desirous that all the children of men
should entertain one for another, and
which thy Saints, above all others,
should cherish. Enable thy people
hereafter to avoid bitterness and strife,
and to refrain from words and acts in
political discussions that shall create
feeling and grieve thy Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father, when thy people
shall not have the opportunity of entering this holy house to offer their supplications unto thee, and they are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by
difficulties or assailed by temptation,
and shall turn their faces towards this
thy holy house and ask thee for deliverance, for help, for thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech thee
to look down from thy holy habitation
in mercy and tender compassion upon
them, and listen to their cries. Or
when the children of thy people, in
years to come, shall be separated,
through any cause, from this place, and
their hearts shall turn in remembrance
of thy promises to this holy ,
and they shall cry unto thee from the
depths of their affliction and sorrow to
extend relief and deliverance to them,
we humbly entreat thee to turn thine ear
in mercy to them; hearken to their cries,
and grant unto them the blessings for
which they ask.
Almighty Father, increase within us
the powers of that faith delivered to
and possessed by thy Saints. Strengthen
us by the memories of the glorious deliverances of the past, by the remembrance of the sacred covenants that thou
hast made with us, so that, when evil
overshadows us, when trouble encompasses us, when we pass through the
valley of humiliation, we may not falter,
may not doubt, but in the strength of
thy holy name may accomplish all thy
righteous purposes with regard to us,
fill the measure of our creation, and
triumph gloriously, by thy grace, over
every besetting sin, be redeemed from
every evil, and be numbered in the
amongst those who
shall dwell in thy presence forever.
And now, our Father, we bless thee,
we praise thee, we glorify thee, we
worship thee, day by day we magnify
thee, and give thee thanks for thy great
goodness towards us thy children, and
we pray thee, in the name of thy Son
, our Savior, to hear these
our humble petitions, and answer us
from heaven, thy holy dwelling place,
where thou sittest enthroned in glory,
might, majesty, and dominion, and with
an infinitude of power which we, thy
mortal creatures, cannot imagine, much
less comprehend. Amen and Amen.
After the prayer the whole assemblage joined in the holy "," as follows:
"Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, to
God and the Lamb. Amen, Amen,
Amen." This sacred exercise was
accompanied by simultaneous waving
of handkerchiefs by all the people assembled.
The Hosanna anthem, (composed
for the by )
was sung by the , and, following
directly after it, the assemblage joined
in singing "The Spirit of God like a
Fire is Burning."
Addressed the congregation. His remarks were in harmony with the great
occasion. They were not only in
structive, but of such a character as to
afford comfort and consolation to the
Saints, pointing their minds to a
brighter day in the future than they
had ever yet beheld.
spoke words of comfort for the people
of Zion, and uttered a prophecy concerning the future of the people of