Priests, Teachers, and Deacons, that all
may diligently perform their part in the
glorious labors thou hast called thy
Priesthood to bear.
Forget not, we beseech thee, thy ser-
vants the missionaries, who are pro-
claiming the saving truths that thou hast
revealed for man's redemption to the
millions who are now overshadowed by
deep spiritual darkness. Preserve them
from all evil, deliver them from mob
violence, may they want no good thing,
but be greatly blessed with the gifts and
powers of their ministry. Remember
also their families that they may be
sustained and comforted by thee and be
cherished and cared for by thy Saints.
We pray thee for the members of thy
holy Church throughout all the world,
that thy people may be so guided and
governed of thee, that all who profess
to be and call themselves Saints may be
preserved in the unity of the faith, in
the way of truth, in the bonds of peace
and in holiness of life. Strengthen the
weak, we pray thee, and impart thy
Spirit unto all.
Our , may peace abide in all
the homes of thy Saints; may holy
angels guard them; may they be encom-
passed by thine arms of love; may
prosperity shine upon them, and may
the tempter and the destroyer be re-
moved far from them. May the days of
thy covenant people be lengthened out
in righteousness, and sickness and dis-
ease be rebuked from their midst. May
the land they inhabit be made fruitful by
thy grace; may its waters be increased
and the climate be tempered to the com-
fort and need of thy people; may
drought, devastating storms, cyclones,
and hurricanes be kept afar off, and
earthquakes never disturb the land
which thou hast given us. May locusts,
caterpillars and other insects not de-
stroy our gardens and desolate our
fields; but may we be a people blessed
of thee in our bodies and spirits, in our
homes and habitations, in our flocks
and herds, in ourselves and our posterity,
and in all that thou hast made us stew-
ards over.
Now pray we for the youth of Zion—
the children of thy people; endow them
richly with the spirit of faith and
righteousness and with increasing love
for thee and for thy law. Prosper all the
institutions that thou hast established in
our midst for their well-being. Give to
our Church schools an ever-increasing
power for good. May thy
dominate the teachings given therein
and also control the hearts and illumine
the minds of the students. Bless mar-
velously thy servants, the General
Superintendent, and all the principals,
teachers and other officers, and also those
who form the General Board of Education
of thy Church. Remember likewise in
thy loving kindness the Sunday schools,
with all who, either as teachers or schol-
ars, belong thereto; may the influence of
the instruction given therein broaden
and deepen, to thy glory and the salva-
tion of thy children, until the perfect
day. Bless the members of the General
Board of the Deseret Sunday School
Union with the wisdom necessary for
the proper fulfillment of their duties and
for the accomplishment of the purposes
for which this board was created.
We also uphold before thee the and , with all their
officers, general and local, and the
members. May they be prospered of
thee, their membership be enlarged and
the good that they accomplish increase
with every succeeding year. For the
Primaries and Religion classes we also
seek thy constant blessing and guiding
care; may the spirit of instruction be
poured out upon the presidents and
associate officers and teachers. May
they keep pace with the rest of the edu-
cational establishments in thy Church,
so that from their earliest years our
children may be diligently brought up in
the ways of the Lord, and thy name be
magnified in their growth in virtue and
Nor would we forget, O Lord, the
normal training classes among the peo-
ple, whether these classes be connected
with the Church schools, the Improve-
ment associations, or the Sunday
schools. Grant that these classes may
be the means of spreading true educa-
tion throughout all the borders of the
Saints by the creation of a body of
teachers who will not only be possessed
of rare intelligence but be filled also
with the spirit of the Gospel, and be
powerful in the testimony of thy truth
and in implanting a love for thee and for
thy works in the hearts of all whom
they instruct.
We would hold up before thee, O
Lord, the with all their
members; and all those who preside in
their midst according to their callings
and appointments, general or local.
Bless the teachers in their labors of
mercy and charity, who, as ministering
angels, visit the homes of the sick and
the needy, bearing succor, consolation
and comfort to the unfortunate and sor-
rowful. And bless, we beseech thee,
most merciful Father, the poor of thy
people, that the cry of want and suffer-
ing may not ascend unto thee from the
midst of thy Saints whom thou hast
blessed so abundantly with the comforts
of this world. Open up new avenues
by which the needy can obtain a liveli-
hood by honest industry, and also in-
cline the hearts of those blessed more
abundantly, to give generously of their
substance to their, in this respect, less
favored brethren and sisters, that thou
mayest not have reason to chide us
for the neglect of even the least among
thy covenant children.
O God of Israel, turn thy face, we
pray thee, in loving kindness toward
thy stricken people of the House of
. Oh, deliver them from those
that oppress them. Heal up their
wounds, comfort their hearts, strengthen
their feet, and give them ministers after
thine own heart who shall lead them as
of old, in thy way. May the days of
their tribulation soon cease, and they be
planted by thee in the valleys and plains
of their ancient home; and may Jerusa-
lem rejoice and Judea be glad for the
multitude of her sons and daughters, for
the sweet voices of children in her
streets, and the rich outpouring of thy
saving mercies upon them. May Israel
no more bow the head, or bend the neck
to the oppressor, but may his feet be
made strong on the everlasting hills,
never more, by violence, to be banished
therefrom, and the praise and the glory
shall be thine.
Remember in like pity the dwindling
remnants of the , de-
scendants of thy servant . Restore
them, we pray thee, to thine ancient
favor, fulfill in their completeness the
promises given to their fathers, and
make of them a white and delightsome
race, a loved and holy people as in
former days. May the time also be nigh
at hand when thou wilt gather the dis-
persed of Israel from the islands of the
sea and from every land in which thou
hast scattered them, and the
of from their hiding place in the
north, and restore them to communion
and fellowship with their kinsmen of
the seed of .
We thank thee, O God of Israel, that
thou didst raise up patriotic men to lay
the foundation of this great American
government. Thou didst inspire them
to frame a good and laws
which guarantee to all of the inhabitants
of the land equal rights and privileges to
worship thee according to the dictates of
their own consciences. Bless the offi-
cers, both judicial and executive. Con-
fer abundant favors upon the ,
his Cabinet, and . Enlightened
and guided by thy Spirit, may they main-
tain and uphold the glorious principles
of human liberty. Our hearts are filled
with gratitude to thee, our , for thy kindness unto us in
softening the hearts of our fellow citi-
zens, the people of this nation, towards
us. That which thou hast done has
been marvelous in our eyes. We thank
thee that thou didst move upon the
heart of our President to issue a general
amnesty; that thou hast removed
prejudice and misunderstanding from
the minds of many of the people con-
cerning us and our purposes, and they
are disposed to treat us as fellow
citizens, and not as enemies. In this
we feel to give thee glory
therefor, and we humbly ask thee to
increase this feeling in their hearts.
Enable them to see us in our true light.
Show unto them that we are their friends,
that we love liberty, that we will join
with them in upholding the rights of the
people, the Constitution and laws of our
country; and give unto us and our
children an increased disposition to al-
ways be loyal, and to do everything in
our power to maintain constitutional
rights and the freedom of all within the
confines of this great Republic.
Remember in mercy, O Lord, the
kings, the princes, the nobles, the rulers
and governors, and the great ones of the
earth, and likewise all the poor, the
afflicted and the oppressed, and indeed,
all people, that their hearts may be
softened when thy servants go forth to
bear testimony of thy name, that their
prejudices may give way before the
truth, and thy people find favor in their
eyes. [Doctrine and Covenants 109:56] So control the affairs of the na-
tions of the earth, that the way may be
prepared for the ushering in of a reign
of righteousness and truth. We desire
to see liberty spread throughout the
earth, to see oppression cease, the yoke
of the tyrant broken, and every des-
potic form of government overthrown
by which thy children are degraded and
crushed, and prevented from enjoying
their share of the blessings of the earth,
which thou hast created for their habi-
O God, the Eternal Father, thou
knowest all things. Thou seest the
course thy people have been led to take
in political matters. They have, in many
instances, joined the two great national
parties. Campaigns have been entered
upon, elections have been held, and
much party feeling has been engendered.
Many things have been said and done
which have wounded the feelings of the
humble and the meek, and which have
been a cause of offense. We beseech
thee, in thine infinite mercy and good-
ness, to forgive thy people wherein they,
Priests, Teachers, and Deacons, that all
may diligently perform their part in the
glorious labors thou hast called thy
Priesthood to bear.
Forget not, we beseech thee, thy servants the missionaries, who are proclaiming the saving truths that thou hast
revealed for man's redemption to the
millions who are now overshadowed by
deep . Preserve them
from all evil, deliver them from mob
violence, may they want no good thing,
but be greatly blessed with the gifts and
powers of their ministry. Remember
also their families that they may be
sustained and comforted by thee and be
cherished and cared for by thy Saints.
We pray thee for the members of thy
holy Church throughout all the world,
that thy people may be so guided and
governed of thee, that all who profess
to be and call themselves Saints may be
preserved in the unity of the faith, in
the way of truth, in the bonds of peace
and in holiness of life. Strengthen the
weak, we pray thee, and impart thy
Spirit unto all.
Our , may peace abide in all
the homes of thy Saints; may holy
angels guard them; may they be encompassed by thine arms of love; may
prosperity shine upon them, and may
the tempter and the destroyer be removed far from them. May the days of
thy covenant people be lengthened out
in righteousness, and sickness and disease be rebuked from their midst. May
the land they inhabit be made fruitful by
thy grace; may its waters be increased
and the climate be tempered to the comfort and need of thy people; may
drought, devastating storms, cyclones,
and hurricanes be kept afar off, and
earthquakes never disturb the land
which thou hast given us. May locusts,
caterpillars and other insects not destroy our gardens and desolate our
fields; but may we be a people blessed
of thee in our bodies and spirits, in our
homes and habitations, in our flocks
and herds, in ourselves and our posterity,
and in all that thou hast made us stewards over.
Now pray we for the youth of Zion—
the children of thy people; endow them
richly with the spirit of faith and
righteousness and with increasing love
for thee and for thy law. Prosper all the
institutions that thou hast established in
our midst for their well-being. Give to
our Church schools an ever-increasing
power for good. May thy
dominate the teachings given therein
and also control the hearts and illumine
the minds of the students. Bless marvelously thy servants, the General
Superintendent, and all the principals,
teachers and other officers, and also those
who form the General Board of Education
of thy Church. Remember likewise in
thy loving kindness the Sunday schools,
with all who, either as teachers or scholars, belong thereto; may the influence of
the instruction given therein broaden
and deepen, to thy glory and the salvation of thy children, until the perfect
day. Bless the members of the General
Board of the Deseret Sunday School
Union with the wisdom necessary for
the proper fulfillment of their duties and
for the accomplishment of the purposes
for which this board was created.
We also uphold before thee the and , with all their
officers, general and local, and the
members. May they be prospered of
thee, their membership be enlarged and
the good that they accomplish increase
with every succeeding year. For the
Primaries and Religion classes we also
seek thy constant blessing and guiding
care; may the spirit of instruction be
poured out upon the presidents and
associate officers and teachers. May
they keep pace with the rest of the educational establishments in thy Church,
so that from their earliest years our
children may be diligently brought up in
the ways of the Lord, and thy name be
magnified in their growth in virtue and
Nor would we forget, O Lord, the
normal training classes among the people, whether these classes be connected
with the Church schools, the Improvement associations, or the Sunday
schools. Grant that these classes may
be the means of spreading true education throughout all the borders of the
Saints by the creation of a body of
teachers who will not only be possessed
of rare intelligence but be filled also
with the spirit of the Gospel, and be
powerful in the testimony of thy truth
and in implanting a love for thee and for
thy works in the hearts of all whom
they instruct.
We would hold up before thee, O
Lord, the with all their
members; and all those who preside in
their midst according to their callings
and appointments, general or local.
Bless the teachers in their labors of
mercy and charity, who, as ministering
angels, visit the homes of the sick and
the needy, bearing succor, consolation
and comfort to the unfortunate and sorrowful. And bless, we beseech thee,
most merciful Father, the poor of thy
people, that the cry of want and suffering may not ascend unto thee from the
midst of thy Saints whom thou hast
blessed so abundantly with the comforts
of this world. Open up new avenues
by which the needy can obtain a livelihood by honest industry, and also incline the hearts of those blessed more
abundantly, to give generously of their
substance to their, in this respect, less
favored brethren and sisters, that thou
mayest not have reason to chide us
for the neglect of even the least among
thy covenant children.
O God of Israel, turn thy face, we
pray thee, in loving kindness toward
thy stricken people of the of
. Oh, deliver them from those
that oppress them. Heal up their
wounds, comfort their hearts, strengthen
their feet, and give them ministers after
thine own heart who shall lead them as
of old, in thy way. May the days of
their tribulation soon cease, and they be
planted by thee in the valleys and plains
of their ancient home; and may Jerusalem rejoice and Judea be glad for the
multitude of her sons and daughters, for
the sweet voices of children in her
streets, and the rich outpouring of thy
saving mercies upon them. May Israel
no more bow the head, or bend the neck
to the oppressor, but may his feet be
made strong on the everlasting hills,
never more, by violence, to be banished
therefrom, and the praise and the glory
shall be thine.
Remember in like pity the dwindling
remnants of the , descendants of thy servant . Restore
them, we pray thee, to thine ancient
favor, fulfill in their completeness the
promises given to their fathers, and
make of them a white and delightsome
race, a loved and holy people as in
former days. May the time also be nigh
at hand when thou wilt gather the dispersed of Israel from the islands of the
sea and from every land in which thou
hast scattered them, and the
of from their hiding place in the
north, and restore them to communion
and fellowship with their kinsmen of
the seed of .
We thank thee, O God of Israel, that
thou didst raise up patriotic men to lay
the foundation of this great American
government. Thou didst inspire them
to frame a good and laws
which guarantee to all of the inhabitants
of the land equal rights and privileges to
worship thee according to the dictates of
their own consciences. Bless the officers, both judicial and executive. Confer abundant favors upon the ,
his Cabinet, and . Enlightened
and guided by thy Spirit, may they maintain and uphold the glorious principles
of human liberty. Our hearts are filled
with gratitude to thee, our , for thy kindness unto us in
softening the hearts of our fellow citizens, the people of this nation, towards
us. That which thou hast done has
been marvelous in our eyes. We thank
thee that thou didst move upon the
heart of our President to issue a general
amnesty; that thou hast removed
prejudice and misunderstanding from
the minds of many of the people concerning us and our purposes, and they
are disposed to treat us as fellow
citizens, and not as enemies. In this
we feel to give thee glory
therefor, and we humbly ask thee to
increase this feeling in their hearts.
Enable them to see us in our true light.
Show unto them that we are their friends,
that we love liberty, that we will join
with them in upholding the rights of the
people, the Constitution and laws of our
country; and give unto us and our
children an increased disposition to always be loyal, and to do everything in
our power to maintain constitutional
rights and the freedom of all within the
confines of this great Republic.
Remember in mercy, O Lord, the
kings, the princes, the nobles, the rulers
and governors, and the great ones of the
earth, and likewise all the poor, the
afflicted and the oppressed, and indeed,
all people, that their hearts may be
softened when thy servants go forth to
bear testimony of thy name, that their
prejudices may give way before the
truth, and thy people find favor in their
eyes. So control the affairs of the nations of the earth, that the way may be
prepared for the ushering in of a reign
of righteousness and truth. We desire
to see liberty spread throughout the
earth, to see oppression cease, the yoke
of the tyrant broken, and every despotic form of government overthrown
by which thy children are degraded and
crushed, and prevented from enjoying
their share of the blessings of the earth,
which thou hast created for their habitation.
O God, the Eternal Father, thou
knowest all things. Thou seest the
course thy people have been led to take
in political matters. They have, in many
instances, joined the two great national
parties. Campaigns have been entered
upon, elections have been held, and
much party feeling has been engendered.
Many things have been said and done
which have wounded the feelings of the
humble and the meek, and which have
been a cause of offense. We beseech
thee, in thine infinite mercy and goodness, to forgive thy people wherein they,