11 I met with L Snow & Merrill who were preparing to
go to Mannassa to settle difficulties in that Branch
I met with the Twelve in meeting I received 3 letters
~ Friday
12 I received 3 Letters to day I had an interview with
How & Morris President Cannon is preparing to go to Washington
He & H B Clawson left for the East at 10 oclok
~ Saturday
13 I spent the day in the office I wrote Letters to Susan & Sarah I listened to the reading of a chapter
in the History of Utah including the Mountain Meadow
Massacree which was a painful chapter
17. I had an interview with Wm W Cluff word just
came that Wm King who is presiding at Iosepa has
Just Died at the Deseret Hospital had an operation
upon his leg
Feb 9, 1892
[FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to Susan, Sarah & David P. I signed
12 Recommends Br Samuel Bateman spent the night with me
~ Wednesday
10. I met with Morris & How about the Amnesty
~ Thursday
11 I met with L Snow & Merrill who were preparing to
go to Mannassa to settle difficulties in that Branch
I met with the Twelve in meeting I received 3 letters
~ Friday
12 I received 3 Letters to day I had an interview with
How & Morris President Cannon is preparing to go to Washington
He & H B Clawson left for the East at 10 oclok
~ Saturday
13 [FIGURE] I spent the day in the office I wrote Letters to
Susan & Sarah [FIGURE] I listened to the reading of a chapter
in the History of Utah including the Mountain Meadow
Massacree which was a painful chapter
~ Sunday
14. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
~ Monday
15. [FIGURE] I spent the day in the office I wrote Letters to
M Thatcher & A H LundJ W Clarkon Woodruff Genealogy
I met with Z.C.M.I Board not a quorum I went to
the Theater in the Evening
17. I had an interview with Wm W Cluff word just
came that Wm King who is presiding at Iosepa has
Just Died at the Deseret Hospital had an operation
upon his leg
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," February 9, 1892 - February 18, 1892, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/NOVm