Jan 11th 1888
I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters. I wrote 5 public Letters
~ Thursday
12 I signed 10 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters I wrote ^5^ Letters
I met at the office a committee we talked over the
Legislative Matters at 10 oclok I went to the farm & spent
the night 3 Mils
14 A vary cold day Thermometer ten 10 degrees below zero ° Owen Rode a Horse 40 Miles to ogden & came near freezing to death, his right Ear was frozen stiff He
was sick all night Clara was some better
~ Sunday
15 Sunday 16 degrees below Zero this Morning I wrote 2 Letters to Lot Smith & J. Jaques
~ Monday
16 I signed 15 Recommends I received 35 Letters
I received Letters from Malinda Hatch & Sarah
I wrote a Letter to Sarah I held Meetings with
A Number of citizens and the Twelve upon
some Public matters. I met with sever[al] private
individuals among the rest with Andrew
Jenson who wanted to publish the History of Joseph Smith and wanted the sanction of the
Presidency of the Church Br G. Q. Cannon said oif
He published it He should do it upon his own responsibility
We went to the Theater in the Evening G. Q. C. & J. F. S
with me. Governor West, MarshalsDyer, Pratt
Cannon was in a Box in oposite of us spent the night at Dougall.
~ Wednesday
Jan 11th 1888
I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters. I
[FIGURE] wrote 5 public Letters
~ Thursday
12 [FIGURE] I signed 10 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters I wrote 5 Letters
I met at the office a committee we talked over the
Legislative Matters at 10 oclok I went to the farm & spent
the night 3 Mils
14 A vary cold day Thermometer ten 10 degrees below zero °
Owen Rode a Horse 40 Miles to ogden & came near
[FIGURE] freezing to death, his right Ear was frozen stiff He
was sick all night Clara was some better
~ Sunday
15 Sunday 16 degrees below Zero this Morning I wrote 2
[FIGURE] Letters to Lot Smith & J. Jaques
~ Monday
16 [FIGURE] I signed 15 Recommends I received 35 Letters
I received Letters from Malinda Hatch & Sarah
I wrote a Letter to Sarah I held Meetings with
A Number of citizens and the Twelve upon
some Public matters. I met with several private
individuals among the rest with Andrew
Jenson who wanted to publish the History of
Joseph Smith and wanted the sanction of the
Presidency of the Church Br G. Q. Cannon saidif
He published it He should do it upon his own responsibility
We went to the Theater in the Evening G. Q. C. & J. F. S
with me. Governor West, Marshals Dyer, Pratt
Cannon was in a Box oposite of us spent the night at Dougall.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," January 11, 1888 - January 16, 1888, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BPBo