Lewis Clapp & his family. John Camp & his family Albert Petty & his family &
Elder Benjamin Clapp with his famiy Also Elders Boydstun & Cathcart. this company
chose Elder Bemjamin Boydstun as their leader on the road to Zion this company
of the South were principly the first fruits of my ministry some were baptized
by Elder Parish. They numbered six male members & five female & 10 ten children
& one servent making 22 twenty two in all. This company of faithful Saints (after
taking the parting hand with their friend on Taropen) mooved forward on their
Journey in good spirits & with Joy {[On] the [illegible shorthand] of Sister Martha Barker who desired to return back thinking it after all too great to leave her
friends. I} immediately {set before her the danger of returning to Babylon and encouraged her and she became reconciled and continued her journey.} I rode
with them this first Days travel as far as the South fork of Mayfield whare we all camp'd
for the night after pitching our tents & taking supper I assemble'd this small camp of Israel
together at Br Albert Petty's tent to address them for the last time & after they
were assembled I arose to address them & although the rain desended in torrents so
that we were wet through a good tent yet my soul was vibrated & fired with
emotions & feeling of no ordinary nature I endeavor'd to lay before them the worth and
value of the cause they were ingaged in & that they were the first in fullfiling the
Prophets who spake of the South's giving up ^or keeping not back^ & that it would be recorded upon the
Archives of heaven to be read in the day of eternity that they were the first fruits of the
South who had spread their tents for Zion. I also instructed them about travling by
the way they all covenanted to give heed to Elder Boydstuns Preceps as they had chosen
him as their leader. When I closed I was followed By Elder's Boydstun Cathcart & Clapp
who spake in the spirit of God & with feelings of the deepest interest when this
edifying interview closed by our kneeling & I addressed a throne of grace & implored
the mercy of God to rest upon the camp that they might all reach Zion in Peace {distance} 8 miles
Lewis Clapp & his family, John Camp & his family Albert Petty & his family &
Elder Benjamin Clapp with his family. Also Elders Boydstun & Cathcart This Company
Chose Elder Benjamin Boydstun as their leader on the road to Zion this company
of the South were principly the first fruits of my ministry Some were baptized
by Elder Parish They numbered six male members & five female & 10 ten children
& one servent making 22. twenty two in all This company of faithful Saints (after
taking the parting hand with their friends on Taropen) moved forward on their
Journey in good spirits & with joy {On the [illegible] of Sister Martha Barker who desired to return back thinking it after all too great to leave her
friends. I immediately set before her the danger of returning to Babylon and encouraged her and she became reconciled and continued her journey.} I rode
with them this first Days travel as far as the South fork of Mayfield whare we all camped
for the night after pitching our tents & taking supper I assembled this small Camp of Israel
together at Br Albert Petty's tent to address them for the last time & after they were assembled
I arose to address them & although the rain desended in torrents so
that we were wet through a good tent yet my soul was vibrated & fired with
emotions & feeling of no ordinary nature I endeavord to lay before them the worth and
value of the cause they were ingaged in & that they were the first in fullfiling the
Prophets who spake of the South's giving up or keeping not back & that it would be recorded upon the
Archives of heaven to be read in the day of eternity that they were the first fruits of the
South who had spread their tents for Zion. I also instructed them about travling by
the way they all covenanted to give heed to Elder Boydstuns Preceps as they had chosen
him as their leader. When I closed I was followed By Elders Boydstun, Cathcart, & Clapp
who spake in the spirit of God & with feeling of the deepest interest When this
edifying interview closed by our kneeling & I addressed a throne of grace & implored
the mercy of God to rest upon the camp that they might all reach Zion in Peace {distance} 8 miles