Sister Matilda Lane bore testimon to the truth of what Sister Atkinson said
& further said they could not be reconciled to Sister Benton unless she repented & confessed
her sins Sister Benton was Permitted to speak for herself which she did do & confessed
& repented of her sins when she was again receieved into the church in full fellowship
by the voice of the court & church
14 Spent the day at Brother Lane's in writing felt some unwell {in consequence of an uncommon bile or biles}
in the evening walked to Br Camp's was quite lame at night 5 miles
17 Retunrned to Br Camps on Saturday & soon I had the happy Privilig of another
interview with Presidents Marsh, Patten, & Grooves & Sister Patten who came
to Br Camps in a two hors Waggon & bound for Zion, Missouri we all tarried at Br Camp's
~ Sunday
18 Sunday we all met at Br Henry Loy's for a meeting & we had a happy time
Presidents Marsh & Patten Preached & exertations from Elder's Groves, Boydstun, Smoot, Cathcart, Clapp & I requested the Elders to lay hands upon me for sickness & lameness
which they did do & I was healed of both. Spent the nigh at Brother Camp's with the Brethren
Sister Matilda Lane bore testimon to the truth of what Sister Akinson said
& further said they could not be reconciled to Sister Benton unless she repented & confessed
her sins Sister Benton was Permitted to speak for herself which she did do and confessed
& repented of her sins when she was again receieved into the church in full fellowship
by the voice of the court & church
W. Woodruff. Chairman
J. F Lane Clerk
~ Sunday
11 Sept Sunday rode to Br Camp's Preached at his house & communed with the Saints spent
the night at Father Clapp's distance of the day 4m
~ Monday
12 Walked to Br Lanes & spent the day in writing 4 miles
14 Spent the day at Brother Lane's in writings felt some unwell {in consequence of an uncommon bile or biles}
in the evening walked to Br Camp's was quite lame at night 5 miles
17 Returned to Br Camps on Saturday & soon I had the happy Privileg of another
interview with Presidents Marsh, Patten & Grooves & Sister Patten who came
to Br Camps in a two hors waggon & bound for Zion. Missouri We all tarried at Br Camp's
~ Sunday
18 Sunday we all met at Br Henry Loy's for a meeting & we had a happy time
Presidents Marsh & Patten Preached & exertations from Elders Groves. Boydstun. SmootCathcart. Clapp & I requested the Elders to lay hands upon me for sickness & lameness
Which they did do & I was healed of both Spent the night at Brother Camp's with the Brethren
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