bakery. W. Woodruff followed & said that those that took his
flour if they took it because they were suffering with Hunger
& would ask a Blessing upon the bread when it was made & send
him home the bags he would not bring an Accusation against
them at the close of the meeting the bags were put in sight &
brought to me next morning
I met in the prayer circle in the evening And the
following named persons received their blessings & was
set apart for their Missions. Elders O. PrattG A Smith, E. T. Benson Erastus Snow, Truman O. Angel, & Phineas Young. W Woodruff
wrote them all from memery 3 days afterwards & had them
copied into the Historians Book of Events. G A. Smiths Blessing
was written by his dictation By T. Bullock the remainder
W. Woodruff wrote
145th I met with President B. Young at his office with G. A. Smith & T. Bullock red Church History to him. I am about
getting inniciated into my office as assistant Historian
while reading the revelation upon the patriarchal marriage &
while reading that paragraph relating to sthe sheding of inno-
cent Blood President Young remarked that that was a vary
nisce point to distinguish between innocent Blood & that which
is not innocent. were we now commanded to go & avenge the
Blood of the prophets whare it wood ^reach^ infants from the cradle to
the third & forth generation would they know what to do in such
a case they would not. But their is one thing that is a consolation
to me And that is I am satisfied that the Lord will not require it
of this people untill they become sanctifyed & are led by the spirit of
God so as not to shed inocent Blood. Again what does the saying
mean that sayes all shall be damned that does not keep this Law
unto whom it is revealed does it mean that they shall take more wives
than one. I think it includes the whole law with its covenants. I think
that many that come into this world will be damned or disorgan-
ized. And I think this is the Death that is refered to that the Broad
road leads to, while few will enter throug the straight gate into the
fulness of Eternal life [Matthew 7:13-14] for their are many who will not keep the law
of life President Young Had Brother Cannon take a Daguerreotype
likeness of the temple draft for Truman O Angel to take
with him to England. The likeness was taken in miniature of the
Temple drawn by the Architet Truman O Angel & it was an excellent
likeness the first time trying. Brother Cannon was paid $6 for his
labor. President B. Young then wrote the following words to be
put upon one of the stones of the Temple
Holiness to the Lord
The Temple of our God
Built by the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
commenced on the 6th day of April A.D. 1853
156th I met again to day with
President Young & G. A. Smith
& T. Bullock read ^manuscript of the^ Church History
to him up to Joseph & Hirams
Death in Jail it brought fresh to mind
the scenes of those sorrowful days. This is the last day G. A. Smith
spent with President Young reading History before he started upon
his Journey for Washington As a Delegate from the Deseret
State convention. We dined with President Young I paid cash
$75 as a Donation to the poor fund into the Hands of Brother McIntosh
bakery. W. Woodruff followed & said that those that took his
flour if they took it because they were suffering with Hunger
& would ask a Blessing upon the bread when it was made & send
him home the bags he would not bring an Accusation against
them at the close of the meeting the bags were put in sight &
brought to me next morning
[FIGURE] I met in the Prayer circle in the evening And the
following named persons received their blessings & was
set apart for their Missions. Elders O. PrattG A Smith, E. T. BensonErastus Snow, Truman O. Angel & Phineas Young, W Woodruff
wrote them all from memery 3 days afterwards & had them
copied into the Historians Book of Events. G A. Smiths Blessing
was written by his dictation By T. Bullock the remainder
W. Woodruff wrote
14th I spent the day mostly at home part of the day in the Historians office
15th I met with President B. Young at his office with
G. A. Smith & T. Bullock red Church History to him I am about
getting inniciated into my office as assistant Historian
while reading the revelation upon the patriarchal marriage &
while reading that paragraph relating tothe sheding of innocent Blood President Young remarked that that was a vary
nice point to distinguish between innocent Blood & that which
is not innocent. were we now commanded to go & avenge the
Blood of the prophets whare it wood reach infants from the cradle to
the third & forth generation would they know what to do in such
a case they would not. But their is one thing that is a consolation
to me And that is I am satisfied that the Lord will not require it
of this people untill they become sanctifyed & are led by the spirit of
God so as not to shed inocent Blood. Again what does the saying
mean that sayes all shall be damned that does not keep this Law
unto whom it is revealed does it mean that they shall take more wives
than one. I think it includes the whole law with its covenants. I think
that many that come into this world will be damned or disorganized. And I think this is the Death that is refered to that the Broad
road leads to, while few will enter throug the straight gate into the
fulness of Eternal life for their are many who will not keep the law
of life [FIGURE] President Young Had Brother Cannon take a Daguerreotype
likeness of the temple draft for Truman O Angel to take
with him to England. The likeness was taken in miniature of the
Temple drawn by the Architet Truman O Angel & it was an excellent
likeness the first time trying. Brother Cannon was paid $6 for his
labor. President B. Young then wrote the following words to be
put upon one of the stones of the Temple
Holiness to the Lord
The Temple of our God
Built by the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
commenced on the 6th day of April A.D. 1853
16th I met again to day with
President Young & G A Smith
& T. Bullock read manuscript of the Church History
to him up to Joseph & Hirams
Death in Jail it brought fresh to mind
the scenes of those sorrowful days. This is the last day G. A. Smith
spent with President Young reading History before he started upon
his Journey for Washington As a Delegate from the Deseret
State convention we dined with President Young I paid cash
$75 as a Donation to the poor fund into the Hands of Brother McIntosh
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," April 13, 1856 - April 16, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,