he suffered immensely and it seemed as though he was struggling in the agonies
of death. He had been sick several days. I spent the night with him
He suffered much during the night. The Presidency and Twelve administered
to him by the laying on of hands. We were almost fearful that he
would not recover from this sickness still we hoped.
I returned home in the morning, and Dr Richards
continued failing during the week
On the Sunday I attended with Dr Richards in
the forepart of the day. He suffered much. At the close of the
afternoon's meeting the Presidency and Twelve went to Dr Richards and
administered to him by the laying on iof hands and we had done it frequently
and had sometimes hopes of his recovery but all outward appearences had
been against he'is getting up again.
After the evening's Ward meeting I went to Dr
Richard's and spent two hours with him. He was very low and to
all appearence would not live until the morning, but the next
morning he was alive and appeared somewhat better.
Next day also Dr Richards still lived and continued
better and there were many reasons to desire his recovery and to expect
it principally because the Twelve had administered to him many times
and exercized their power and faith in his behalf
I attended the Bishops meeting in the evening
with Elder Thomas Kington. I addressed the Bishops and had
the Spirit of the Lord. We were now beginning to ordain our
young sons to the lesser Priesthood here in Zion
We were gathering all our young children from
eight years old and upward in the several Wards, one evening in each
^week^ Ward for the purpose of speaking and praying. I met with the children
in the Fourteenth Ward this evening and addressed them. I had
some fifty of them speak and it was an interesting time.
I will here record a matter that gave me great
pleasure. On the I united with the Bishop of the
14th Ward and his Council in ordaining 1 Priest 2 Teachers and 2 Deacons
he suffered immensely and it seemed as though he was struggling in the agonies
of death. He had been sick several days. I spent the night with him
He suffered much during the night. The Presidency and Twelve administered
to him by the laying on of hands. We were almost fearful that he
would not recover from this sickness still we hoped.
I returned home in the morning, and Dr Richards
continued failing during the week
On the Sunday I attended with Dr Richards in
the forepart of the day. He suffered much. At the close of the
afternoon's meeting the Presidency and Twelve went to Dr Richards and
administered to him by the laying onof hands and we had done it frequently
and had sometimes hopes of his recovery but all outward appearences had
been against his getting up again.
After the evening's Ward meeting I went to Dr
Richard's and spent two hours with him. He was very low and to
all appearence would not live until the morning, but the next
morning he was alive and appeared somewhat better.
Next day also Dr Richards still lived and continued
better and there were many reasons to desire his recovery and to expect
it principally because the Twelve had administered to him many times
and exercized their power and faith in his behalf
I attended the Bishops meeting in the evening
with Elder Thomas Kington. I addressed the Bishops and had
the Spirit of the Lord. We were now beginning to ordain our
young sons to the lesser Priesthood here in Zion
We were gathering all our young children from
eight years old and upward in the several Wards, one evening in each
week for the purpose of speaking and praying. I met with the children
in the Fourteenth Ward this evening and addressed them. I had
some fifty of them speak and it was an interesting time.
I will here record a matter that gave me great
pleasure. On the I united with the Bishop of the
14th Ward and his Council in ordaining 1 Priest 2 Teachers and 2 Deacons