Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1854

Journal Entry

February 02, 1854 ~ Thursday

Feb 2nd I spent the day in school with my children
In the evening I attended the prayer meeting at
the 14th ward school house & herd about 50 of the saints
speak I also Addressed them at the close of the meeting
and had the spirit of the Lord & felt well

A single key with teeth to the left There is one thing I will here record in my Journal
which I take great pleasure in I united with the
Bishop & his counsel & ordained 1 Priest 2 Theachers
& 2 deacons and the Priest which I ordained was
my ownly son now living with me Wilford Woodruff sJr
He is 13 years old He is now to begin to officiate in the
priest office of the lesser Priesthood And I thank the
LORD that I have lived to see this day when I have a
son hwho has received the Priesthood and is recogni-
zed as such by the Church and is about to officiate
in it I Pray the blessings of the God of Abram Isaac
& Jacob may rest upon him that He may honuour the
Priesthood all the days of his life and do much good
in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and
always maintain the Kingdom of God with all its laws
& principles which may the Lord grant for Christ
sake Amen


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240 mentions
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99 mentions
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167 mentions
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Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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There is one thing I will here record in my Journal which I take great pleasure in I united with the Bishop & his counsel & ordained 1 Priest 2 Teachers & 2 deacons and the Priest which I ordained was my ownly son now living with me Wilford Woodruff Jr He is 13 years old He is now to begin to officiate in the Priest office of the lesser Priesthood And I thank the LORD that I have lived to see this day when I have a son who has received the Priesthood and is recogni- zed as such by the Church and is about to officiate in it I Pray the blessings of the God of Abram Isaac & Jacob may rest upon him that He may honour the Priesthood all the days of his life and do much good in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and always maintain the Kingdom of God with all its laws & principles which may the Lord grant for Christ sake Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff
Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon your head a Fathers blessing and seal upon ^you^ the priesthood of Aaron which you have received, and also to dedicate you unto God for the purpose of the ministry. I seal upon your head all the blessings of Abram Isaac & Jacob. I seal you up unto Eternal life and no power shall take your crown. And you shall live long upon the Earth and do great good and bring many souls into the kingdom of God. And you shall stand in the defence of Zion and if you will be faithful in keeping the Commandments of God you shall receive the fulness of the priesthood and the Apostleship and the keys thereof and shall follow the footsteps of thy father wherein he has been faithful in the Apostleship. and thou shalt live and not die. thy body shall not be laid in the grave but thou shalt live till the coming of Christ. then shall thy body be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to
~ Wilford Woodruff

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pleasure. On the I united with the Bishop of the 14th Ward and his Council in ordaining 1 Priest 2 Teachers and 2 Deacons


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Feb 2, 1854