he would not have a house or lie in one nor in a bed but in the caves
of the rocks and on the ground and must never smile or appear happy.
And as to seeing an Apostle the people would expect to melt if one came
along. But all of these ideas are vain and foolish; for this company before
me to night does not begin to be adorned inside or out as they should be
in order to meet with the angelsofin heaven who are adorned in purity
power and glory clothed with clean white linen
I will say a word concerning dancing with the
Gentiles. As I have got up this party if I had felt disposed
to have invited some Gentiles here would they have contaminated
me or this company? No; because the Priesthood rules here
with the keys of power truth light and knowledge; and I would not
suffer anything that is wrong for I would control things and have them
my own way or break up the party. But if any Elder in this
Church was to follow after Gentile parties they would submit
themselves to their spirit partake of their evils and go to the
devil. Any Elder would fall who pursued this course
Why do not the Gentile merchants of this City embrace this work? Because they have locked bolted and
bar[r]ed their minds against it with every lock they could put on. They
swore by every power they possess before they left home that they
would not embrace it. They came with but one object and that was
to gain money and they are determined not to be turned from
their purpose."
Many other excellent remarks were made by
President Young.
I preached in the morning
from the text, Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye also reap. [Doctrine and Covenants 6:33] In the
afternoon President Young preached and I reported his sermon
At the close of the meeting I went in company
with President Young to see President Willard Richards who was very
sick with the palsy. He was in a dreatful spasm lying
upon the floor with seven men trying to hold him.
he would not have a house or lie in one nor in a bed but in the caves
of the rocks and on the ground and must never smile or appear happy.
And as to seeing an Apostle the people would expect to melt if one came
along. But all of these ideas are vain and foolish; for this company before
me to night does not begin to be adorned inside or out as they should be
in order to meet with the angelsin heaven who are adorned in purity
power and glory clothed with clean white linen
I will say a word concerning dancing with the
Gentiles. As I have got up this party if I had felt disposed
to have invited some Gentiles here would they have contaminated
me or this company? No; because the Priesthood rules here
with the keys of power truth light and knowledge; and I would not
suffer anything that is wrong for I would control things and have them
my own way or break up the party. But if any Elder in this
Church was to follow after Gentile parties they would submit
themselves to their spirit partake of their evils and go to the
devil. Any Elder would fall who pursued this course
Why do not the Gentile merchants of this
City embrace this work? Because they have locked bolted and
barred their minds against it with every lock they could put on. They
swore by every power they possess before they left home that they
would not embrace it. They came with but one object and that was
to gain money and they are determined not to be turned from
their purpose."
Many other excellent remarks were made by
President Young.
I preached in the morning
from the text, Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye also reap. Doctrine and Covenants 6:33 In the
afternoon President Young preached and I reported his sermon
At the close of the meeting I went in company
with President Young to see President Willard Richards who was very
sick with the palsy. He was in a dreatful spasm lying
upon the floor with seven men trying to hold him.