When this kingdom commenced it
was like a mustard seed, very small,
but the Lord has sustained it and he
will continue to control it to the end
of time. Although peace is being
taken from the earth yet this kingdom
will thrive and prosper until every
kingdom and government shall be
broken to pieces, and every power
shall be subject to the God of heaven.
Here are Elders who are faithful
and true who have preached the
Gospel from to , and
from the to , and
the warning voice has been lifted in
and in the Islands of the Sea,
and thousands have embraced it and
been made to rejoice in the truth.
We know that this work is of God,
and that it will roll forth and prosper
though all the world oppose. War
is only one of the troubles that the
United States are going to receive;
and I can further testify, that there is
no nation that will escape the judg-
ments of the Almighty. There is no
ear but what has to be penetrated
with the sound of the Gospel of
Christ; and by-and-by the Elders of
Israel will be taken from those
nations where they are now preaching,
and there will be another set of Mis-
sionaries sent amongst the people;
there will be the voice of lightning,
the noise of war, and of all those judg-
ments which have been enumerated
and prophesied of since the begin-
ning of time, and they will go forth
among the nations until the land is
cleansed from the abominations that
now reign upon the face of the earth.
When this Gospel was first pro-
claimed to the world, darkness covered
the earth; and wherever this doctrine
is preached by those having authority
and it is rejected, that people become
more dark than they were before,
and go blindly along like the ox
to the slaughter, and they will sooner
or later be overtaken by the judg-
ments of the Almighty.
This is the nature of our testimony,
brethren and sisters, we know that
this work is true; we also know that
was a Prophet of God,
and the Bible could not have been
fulfilled unless the Lord had raised
up Prophets to declare the everlasting
Gospel unto the children of men; he
never could have brought his judg-
ments upon the nations until he had
raised up those Prophets who were
ordained to come and warn the world.
The Lord is now doing this work of
warning, first by his servants and
then by his judgments. In speaking
of the kingdom of God I will here
remark, that it is always alike, or in
other words it is always governed
by the same laws, by Apostles and
Prophets, and you cannot have a
Church of Christ without these officers;
there never was such a church since
the beginning of the world. If any
person will show me a people that
were acknowledged of God, who did
not have Prophets to lead them, I
will confess that to be something
which I have not found.
says, speaking of the Church
of Christ, "And he gave some
Apostles, and some Prophets, and
some Evangelists, and some Pastors
and Teachers." [Ephesians 4:11] Then, in another part
of the writings of the same Apostle,
he shows that with such an organiza-
tion one part cannot say to the other
"I have no need of thee," [1 Corinthians 12:21] but that all
are necessary in the Church of Christ.
It is just so with the gifts and graces
of the Gospel. A great many of you
have seen men without some of their
limbs, and just as quick as I come to
a man who has lost an arm I see it.
I remember once seeing a man in
without any legs, dragging
along as best he could, and of course
it was very inconvenient for him to
travel; but I will tell you one thing
which I never did see, I never saw
any man going around without any
head. A man can live without arms
When this kingdom commenced it
was like a mustand seed, very small,
but the Lord has sustained it and he
will continue to control it to the end
of time. Although peace is being
taken from the earth yet this kingdom
will thrive and prosper until every
kingdom and government shall be
broken to pieces, and every power
shall be subject to the God of heaven.
Here are Elders who are faithful
and true who have preached the
Gospel from to , and
from the to , and
the warning voice has been lifted in
and in the Islands of the Sea,
and thousands have embraced it and
been made to rejoice in the truth.
We know that this work is of God,
and that it will roll forth and prosper
though all the world oppose. War
is only one of the troubles that the
United States are going to receive;
and I can further testify, that there is
no nation that will escape the judgments of the Almighty. There is no
ear but what has to be penetrated
with the sound of the Gospel of
Christ; and by-and-by the Elders of
Israel will be taken from those
nations where they are now preaching,
and there will be another set of Missionaries sent amongst the people;
there will be the voice of lightning,
the noise of war, and of all those judgments which have been enumerated
and prophesied of since the beginning of time, and they will go forth
among the nations until the land is
cleansed from the abominations that
now reign upon the face of the earth.
When this Gospel was first proclaimed to the world, darkness covered
the earth; and wherever this doctrine
is preached by those having authority
and it is rejected, that people become
more dark than they were before,
and go blindly along like the ox
to the slaughter, and they will sooner
or later be overtaken by the judgments of the Almighty.
This is the nature of our testimony,
brethren and sisters, we know that
this work is true; we also know that
was a Prophet of God,
and the Bible could not have been
fulfilled unless the Lord had raised
up Prophets to declare the everlasting
Gospel unto the children of men; he
never could have brought his judgments upon the nations until he had
raised up those Prophets who were
ordained to come and warn the world.
The Lord is now doing this work of
warning, first by his servants and
then by his judgments. In speaking
of the kingdom of God I will here
remark, that it is always alike, or in
other words it is always governed
by the same laws, by Apostles and
Prophets, and you cannot have a
Church of Christ without these officers;
there never was such a church since
the beginning of the world. If any
person will show me a people that
were acknowledged of God, who did
not have Prophets to lead them, I
will confess that to be something
which I have not found.
says, speaking of the Church
of Christ, "And he gave some
Apostles, and some Prophets, and
some Evangelists, and some Pastors
and Teachers." Then, in another part
of the writings of the same Apostle,
he shows that with such an organization one part cannot say to the other
"I have no need of thee," but that all
are necessary in the Church of Christ.
It is just so with the gifts and graces
of the Gospel. A great many of you
have seen men without some of their
limbs, and just as quick as I come to
a man who has lost an arm I see it.
I remember once seeing a man in
without any legs, dragging
along as best he could, and of course
it was very inconvenient for him to
travel; but I will tell you one thing
which I never did see, I never saw
any man going around without any
head. A man can live without arms