May 21 1876.
Sunday in the midst of a driving snow storm in company
with John Taylor & Joseph F Smith I took car on the Utah
Southern rail road & road to Big Cotton Wood & then walked
a mile in the [Ut] mud & snow got my feet wet finally landed
at Bishop Millers took breakfast then went to the New Meeting House in Mill Crek ward for the purpose of Dedica-
ting it to the Lord. The Meeting opened by singing a Hym
composed for the occasion. W Woodruff then offered the Dedication Prayer after which J. F. Smith read the 8 ch.
of 1 KingsSolomons Prayer in the dedication of the Temple. John Taylor then spoke of the dedication of
the [te]mple in the days of Solomon and of the dedication
of Temples and buildings of worship in our day 55 Min
J F Smith spoke one hour & W Woodruff 45 Minuts
at the close of the Meeting we went to Bishop Millers
then took cars & returned to Salt Lake City 20 Miles
May 24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to Baptized for the Dead 334. W Woodruff
sealed 59 couple & went down to the farm in the Evening
26 I Attended a council in the City Hall & returned to the farm
~ Saturday
27. the creek was vary High I went up Parleys Canyon &
Back and our dam went of int the Afternoon I assisted
in getoing out the Timber that came down the creek and
returned to the city in the Evening 12 M[iles]
~ Sunday
28. Sunday I received 3 letters I met with my Quorum
for prayer in the Evening, & with my circle in the Eveafternoon
~ Sunday
FIGURES May 21 1876.
Sunday in the midst of a driving snow storm in company
with John Taylor & Joseph F Smith I took car on the Utah
Southern Rail Road & road to Big Cotton Wood & then walked
a mile in the mud & snow got my feet wet finally landed
at Bishop Millers took breakfast then went to the New
Meeting House in Mill Crek ward for the purpose of Dedicting it to the Lord. The Meeting opened by singing a Hym
composed for the occasion W Woodruff then offered the
Dedication Prayer after which J. F. Smith Read the 8 ch.
of 1 Kings Solomons Prayer in the dedication of the
Temple. John Taylor then spoke of the dedication of
the temple in the days of Solomon and of the dedication
of Temples and buildings of worship in our day 55 Minutes
J F Smith spoke one hour & W Woodruff 45 Minuts
at the close of the Meeting we went to Bishop Millers
then took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City 20 Miles
May 24. [FIGURE] I spent the day in the Endowment House we
Baptized for the Dead 334. W Woodruff
sealed 59 couple & went down to the farm in the Evening
26 I Attended a council in the City Hall & returned to the farm
~ Saturday
27. the creek was vary High I went up Parleys Canyon &
Back and our dam went of in the Afternoon I assisted
in geting out the Timber that came down the creek and
returned to the city in the Evening 12 Miles
~ Sunday
28. Sunday [FIGURE] I received 3 letters I met with my Quorum
for prayer in the Evening, & with my Circle in theafternoon
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," May 21, 1876 - May 28, 1876, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025,